14 December 2022 09:47
Justice for migrant workers: Their rights are not for sale
The Building and Woodworkers’ International (BWI) is outraged by the recent revelations of corruption charges in Europe. BWI condemns any attempt to sell out the human rights of workers, demands justice for migrant workers, and calls for swift actions to be taken to protect their rights before the Tournament ends. As we enter the final phase of the 2022 World Cup tournament in Qatar, neither the Qatari Government nor FIFA are delivering on their lofty promises to improve the conditions of migrant workers.
09 December 2022 03:55
Responding to the tragic and fatal accident of a Filipino migrant worker at the World Cup training site in Qatar, the Building and Woodworkers’ International (BWI) calls for a minute of global silence in his memory, and for all migrant construction workers who died on the job to make the brightest sporting event in the world possible. Read more...
22 November 2022 13:57
As football fans worldwide cheer for their favorite teams competing at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, the Building and Woodworkers’ International (BWI) urges all its trade union affiliates, partners, allies and friends to stand with migrant workers.
18 November 2022 14:43
BWI will continue to stand with the migrant workers in Qatar beyond the 2022 World Cup and until their human rights are fully realised, protected, and respected.
02 November 2022 13:58
On 12-14 October, BWI, with representatives from its headquarters, affiliates and assigned organisers, conducted joint site visits with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) safeguard team to five (5) sites in the Corridor X (Serbia) and Corridor Vc (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) projects.Read more...
06 October 2022 15:26
The Building and Woodworkers’ International (BWI), on the occasion of its 5th World Congress, bestowed on 6 October 2022 its Fair Games Awards to the leaders of the Community Workers’ Forum in Qatar, and the Union of Construction and Woodworkers (GBH) in Austria for their outstanding work in building a decent work legacy around mega-sporting events.Read more...
01 October 2022 03:04
As part of the national mobilisation called and organised by the CGT in France on 29 September 29, workers employed to build the Olympic Village in Paris went on strike to demand Effiage, the company that bagged the much sought-after infrastructure project, better wages and a share in the overall profits. Read more...
28 September 2022 08:28
In its effort to set up an international quality label for future mega sporting events, the Building and Woodworkers’ International (BWI) on 22 September successfully gathered key industry players working on the various infrastructure in France related to the 2024 Olympic Games and the Grand Paris Express.
21 September 2022 13:36
The Société du Grand Paris (SGP), the Building and Woodworkers’ International (BWI) and its affiliated French trade unions have signed a charter on social commitments related to the Grand Paris Express (GPE) following a joint international visit to the construction site of the future Gustave-Roussy station in Villejuif, France. This is the first time that an international visit took place at the said site. Read more...