BWI congratulates UGT FICA, Marino Hoya on successful congress election

The Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) warmly congratulates Mariano Hoya on his election as General Secretary of the Federation of Industry, Construction, and Agriculture (UGT FICA). Garnering an impressive 87.14% of the votes at the historic 29th Federal Congress, Hoya’s leadership promises a new chapter of progress and unity for UGT FICA. With a strong commitment to industrial reorganisation, the fight against gender inequality, and the promotion of youth-focused strategies, Hoya outlined a bold vision that aligns seamlessly with BWI's advocacy to champion workers’ rights globally. His dedication to social dialogue, collective bargaining, and building resilient industrial policies underscores his readiness to tackle the challenges posed by digitalization, decarbonisation, and economic transformation.

BWI applauds Hoya’s call to strengthen the role of unions in shaping strategic national policies. His commitment to fostering inclusive growth through gender equity, occupational health reforms, and sustainable employment reflects the shared values of solidarity and social justice that BWI holds dear. We look forward to collaborating with Hoya and the newly elected UGT FICA leadership team to advance workers' rights, secure decent jobs, and shape a future that prioritizes dignity and fairness for all. Together, we will continue to build a stronger, more just world of work.