10 May 2023 09:27
Groups want a modern Rotterdam Convention to protect public health and environment
Global unions and environmental groups today released a statement calling on the 11th Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention (RC COP-11) to adopt an amendment to the Convention to enforce a global ban on allhighly hazardous chemicals and pesticides. Read more...
10 May 2023 03:04
With a record-breaking 238 actions in 53 countries, BWI and 98 of its affiliates worldwide once again showed that it is crucial to highlight the need to actively implement the Fundamental Right to Occupational Health and Safety (OSH). Read more...
09 May 2023 08:53
Coinciding with the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention (RC COP-11) which started on 1 May and will conclude on 12 May, Thirty five (35) advocates from BWI, other global unions, social movements and environmental organisations held an action today to call on the COP to adopt an amendment to the Convention to address a “veto mechanism” that has evolved regarding the listing of highly hazardous substances. Read more...
05 May 2023 03:20
BWI affiliates across Africa and the Middle East (AME) celebrated this year’s International Workers’ Memorial Day together with unions from across the world under the theme ‘Make It Happen’. Read more...
05 May 2023 02:58
On International Workers Memorial Day, BWI affiliates across the Pan European region gathered together to raise their voices and demand that occupational health and safety become a reality in every workplace across the continent.
03 May 2023 13:37
37 unions throughout the Asia Pacific area organized various mobilisations, concerted actions, and other activities to support the adoption of workplace health and safety as a fundamental worker rightRead more...
03 May 2023 04:41
BWI affiliates in Brazil, Peru, Panama, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Venezuela, Colombia and El Salvador were mobilised during the month of April to advocate for the fundamental right to a safe and healthy working environment, culminating in events across Latin America and the Caribbean on 28 April 28 to mark the close of the campaign. Read more...
28 April 2023 05:10
On this International Workers’ Memorial Day, the EFBWW and BWI renew their commitment to fight for safe and healthy workplaces for all workers, and call on all institutions, governments and industries to prioritise the protection of workers from all hazardous chemicals and materials and especially asbestos.
28 April 2023 00:35
In memory of workers who passed away, the Building and Wood Workers' International, BWI, and its affiliates around the world are mobilising on this International Workers' Memorial Day to promote worker's right to a safe and healthy work environment as a fundamental right.