International Youth Committee
Laurence AKAYEZU, STECOMA - Trade Union of Workers Company in Construction and Carpentry, (Rwanda)Chair IYC
Eliéser CÓRDOBA , SUNTRACS - National Construction Industry Workers´ Union, (Panama)1st Vice-Chair
Ryan KEKERIS, IUPAT - International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, (United States)2nd Vice-Chair
Africa, Middle East and North Africa
Laurence AKAYEZU, STECOMA - Trade Union of Workers Company in Construction and Carpentry, (Rwanda)Member
Osei Poku AFRIYIE, TWU - Timber and Wood Workers’ Union of GTUC , (Ghana)1st Substitute
Ali Ahmed Makki EBRAHIM, GFBTU - General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions, (Bahrain)2nd Substitute
Asia / Pacific
Sou CHHLONH, BWTUC - Building and Wood Workers Trade Union Federation of Cambodia , (Cambodia, Kingdom of)Member
Jakob WAGNER, BYGGNADS - Swedish Building Workers' Trade Union, (Sweden)Member
Daniela MILOSKA, SGIP - Trade Union of Civil Engineering, Industry and Planning of Republic of North Macedonia, (North Macedonia)1st Substitute
Latin America & Caribbean
Eliéser CÓRDOBA , SUNTRACS - National Construction Industry Workers´ Union, (Panama)Member
Luis Fernando LÓPEZ, INTERGREMIAL - Colombian Association of Construction, Building Materials and Wood Worker's, (Colombia)1st Substitute
José Luis LÓPEZ, UOCRA - Construction Workers of the Republic of Argentina, (Argentina)2nd Substitute
North America
Ryan KEKERIS, IUPAT - International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, (United States)Member