International Youth Committee

29 March 2018 12:55

The BWI 4th World Congress in Durban in 2017 approved the formation of an International Youth Committee (IYC) following the adoption of Resolution 14. The IYC formation process was officially finalised by the confirmation of nominations of the IYC members and chair by the BWI World Council members in May 2019 in the UK. 

International Youth Committee

Laurence AKAYEZU, STECOMA - Trade Union of Workers Company in Construction and Carpentry, (Rwanda)Chair IYC

Eliéser CÓRDOBA , SUNTRACS - National Construction Industry Workers´ Union, (Panama)1st Vice-Chair

Ryan KEKERIS, IUPAT - International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, (United States)2nd Vice-Chair

Africa, Middle East and North Africa

Laurence AKAYEZU, STECOMA - Trade Union of Workers Company in Construction and Carpentry, (Rwanda)Member

Osei Poku AFRIYIE, TWU - Timber and Wood Workers’ Union of GTUC , (Ghana)1st Substitute

Ali Ahmed Makki EBRAHIM, GFBTU - General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions, (Bahrain)2nd Substitute

Asia / Pacific

Sou CHHLONH, BWTUC - Building and Wood Workers Trade Union Federation of Cambodia , (Cambodia, Kingdom of)Member


Jakob WAGNER, BYGGNADS - Swedish Building Workers' Trade Union, (Sweden)Member

Daniela MILOSKA, SGIP - Trade Union of Civil Engineering, Industry and Planning of Republic of North Macedonia, (North Macedonia)1st Substitute

Latin America & Caribbean

Eliéser CÓRDOBA , SUNTRACS - National Construction Industry Workers´ Union, (Panama)Member

Luis Fernando LÓPEZ, INTERGREMIAL - Colombian Association of Construction, Building Materials and Wood Worker's, (Colombia)1st Substitute

José Luis LÓPEZ, UOCRA - Construction Workers of the Republic of Argentina, (Argentina)2nd Substitute

North America

Ryan KEKERIS, IUPAT - International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, (United States)Member