
26 March 2018 15:19

The President and the five Deputy-Presidents are elected by the World Congress. The Deputy-Presidents assist the President in the performance of his duties.

The General Secretary is responsible for the administration and management of the organisation.


Per-Olof (Peo) SJÖÖ, GS - Swedish Union of Forestry, Wood and Graphical Workers, (Sweden)President

Gail ASTRINAKIS (CARTMAIL), UNITE - Unite the Union Construction division, (United Kingdom)Deputy-President

Phyo Sandar SOE, BWFM - Building and Wood Workers Federation of Myanmar, (Myanmar)Deputy-President

Pierre CUPPENS, ACV-BIE - ACV Building, Industry and Energy Union, (Belgium)Deputy-President

Saúl MENDEZ RODRIGUEZ, SUNTRACS - National Construction Industry Workers´ Union, (Panama)Deputy-President

Dietmar SCHÄFERS, IG BAU - Trade Union for Building, Forestry, Agriculture and the Environment, (Germany)Deputy-President

, Albert Emilio (Ambet) YUSON, BWI - Building & Wood Workers' International, (Switzerland)General Secretary