You can make a difference: ACT NOW! Sign the protest message to the management.
According to BWI member, the Ceramic Workers' Union of the Republic of Argentina (FOCRA), the closure of two sections of the Plant Azul in Cerámicas San Lorenzo has led to the dismissal of 120 ceramic workers, causing a strong impact on the community.
According to FOCRA, this will have an impact on wages, modify working conditions and older workers will be replaced by younger workers with less benefits. Also added is the beginning of a persecution of trade unionists at all Etex-Eternit plants.
In order to resolve this conflict, the Ministry of Labour of the Republic of Argentina has issued a mandatory conciliation between the trade union affiliated to FOCRA and Etex Group. However, after several hearings without an agreement between all parties, the workers had no other option than exercising their legitimate right to strike.
All workers of the Puerto Madryn, San Juan and San Luis plants, part of the Etex Group where FOCRA has union representation, in solidarity.
Please take two minutes of your time to support and sign up this important ACT NOW! for the trade union of Ceramics San Lorenzo (Plant Azul). Let´s fight together for ceramic workers’ rights!