The Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) is organizing a prize in honor of the Honduran indigenous leader Berta Cáceres, murdered on March 3rd, 2016. The Award is aimed at teams of researchers from all Latin American and Caribbean countries. Each applicant team must be conformed by at least 3 women from different countries of the region.
The Berta Cáceres Prize: "The struggle of women for equality in Latin America and the Caribbean" seeks to promote and strengthen the relationships between those who work in the field of social research and women's movements, articulating research and activism, rigorous academic reflection and social struggle.
The teams of women who are applying for the prize must be linked or have some relationship with groups and women's movements, specifying this relationship in the proposal to be presented.
This award seeks to recognize and promote the dissemination of scientific women’s work who investigate the production of discrimination, inequalities and gender injustices in their various manifestations such as feminicide, segregation and other forms of violence against women.
The modality, approach and work perspective of the research presented to this call will be free and open, within the thematic areas mentioned. The proposal should include, in its final stage and as a result of the research work carried out, an in-person and/or a training initiative, aimed at women activists and activists who act in various scenarios of gender equality struggles in either country of the region.
The prize will be USD 15,000 (fifteen thousand US dollars) assigned to the winning team. Of the total amount allocated, USD 5,000 will be used to cover mobility expenses for team meetings, fieldwork, seminars, etc. In addition, up to three (3) honorary mentions will be granted considering criteria of originality, relevance and academic quality.