On 10-11 August BWI's Brazilian Working Group on Health and Safety at Work met for the first time in Rio de Janeiro to plann of BWI's actions on the theme for the next period considering the discussions initiated at the Health and Safety Forum in February 2017.
The first day of the meeting was focused on the organization of the course on workers’ health which will be organized in partnership with the Center of Studies on Workers’ Health and Human Ecology of the National Public Health University of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (CESTEH/ENSP/FIOCRUZ), that previously worked with BWI in the tribute for the workers victims of accidents in the works of the Olympics. The course to the trade union leaders is a pilot project combining classes in Rio de Janeiro and online training, merging the practical knowledge of trade union leaders with the academic researchers, resulting in improvement of union action on the subject.
Discussions on the second day were focused on BWI's health and safety policies and projects, campaigns to reduce the weight of the cement bag from 50 to 25kg, to improve working conditions for dam workers and conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) on occupational health and safety. The result of this meeting was the planning of actions for this semester and for the next year focusing on the union's actions.