In BWI representation, Nilton Freitas: BWI Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean attended to the activity. During the festive lunch, Gelson Santana announced the signing of a Bilateral Agreement between STICC and the corresponding workers' union in Haiti. Santana indicated that all union contributions collected by STICC from Haitian migrants would be transferred to this Haitian organization with intermediation of BWI and its Regional Office located in Panama.
According to Santana, approximately 80% of migrant workers in the State of Rio Grande do Sul are Haitian nationality; 20% of foreign construction workers in this state are from Africa. Most of them work in the civil construction sector.
BWI congratulates its affiliated organization SITCC-POA for this type of initiatives aimed to improve the quality of work and life of many migrant construction workers in Brazil. A better and more equitable world is everyone's responsibility!
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