In order to give effect to the BWI Congress resolutions and the Congress action plan, the ad hoc working groups are now established.
For Multinational Companies and IFAs, the group will focus on the survey of affiliates on IFAs and preparation for the MNCs Global Conference, which will take place in London in May 2019.
For the Cement Industry group, there are two global conferences for LafargeHolcim 22 – 24 October and Heidelberg cement 1 – 2 November. The group will follow the cement action plan endorsed at Congress and will have a Global Cement conference in Nigeria on August 22 – 24, 2019.
For the Health and Safety Representatives Network, the group will produce materials and follow up the action plan in preparation for the Global H&S conference to take place in Australia in November 2019.
Terms of Reference for the Cement Network
Terms of Reference for the IFA's Network
Terms of Reference for Health and Safety Network