BWI Global Climate Justice Summit
The Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) on 7-8 November 2024 will hold its the first ever construction, building materials, wood and forestry workers’ led BWI Global Climate Justice Summit | Building a Just and Equitable Future in Geneva, Switzerland. The venue will be at the International Conference Centre Geneva – CICG, 17 rue de Varembé CH – 1202.
Amid impending industrial transitions towards a net-zero economy, trade unions in construction, building materials, wood and forestry sectors are undertaking initiatives to ensure that the transition is managed equitably for workers.
By harnessing collective actions and strengthening regional and global connections, this event aims to strengthen BWI’s campaign for climate justice, and nurture confidence in a worker-led just transition, where justice, equity and labour standards are foundational.
BWI looks forward to the discussions that can help in building a workers’ led campaign for climate justice in building, construction, wood and forestry. Together with our communities and allies, we can advance a global response to the climate crisis founded upon workers’ rights and equity, the human right to housing, quality infrastructure and a clean, safe and healthy environment for all.
To participate in the summit, please register on or before 18 October 2024.
The program is available in different languages here.
For more questions, please contact Alanah Torralba at