Young trade unionists from ten unions affiliated with the BWI in Central America met to discuss the future of working youth in this part of the continent. 14 young unionists attended the event, which was held from 20 to 23 August 2017 in Managua, Nicaragua.
Through a debate on the current situation of young Central American workers in terms of employment, outsourcing, education and youth participation in the trade union movement, the leaders addressed possible solutions to be developed within their unions. Unions must recruit more young people in the BWI sectors in order to become spaces not only of workers’ rights defense, but also in spaces aimed to promote citizen participation on youth priority debates on education and employment issues.
The main results of the event are the following:
Analysis, improvement and construction of Organizational and Work Plans by country and union according to the need of each union affiliated to BWI in Central America.
Review and express support for 2016 Resolution of the BWI Ad Hoc Youth Group approved in Panama.
Facing the creation of a new BWI Regional Youth Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean, Central American youth leaders created their own attached resolution, which aims to present how Central America will support the implementation of the 2016 Resolution of the BWI actual Ad Hoc Youth Group.
Joergen Hovgaard, Programme Coordinator for Central America and the Caribbean of the United Federation of Danish Workers (3F) and Nilton Freitas, Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean of BWI, applauded the youth initiative of organization and specialized protection for the young workers of BWI sectors.
In addition, the youth delegation attended a parallel meeting of the General Secretaries and Presidents of Group 25 (Central America) in Managua, Nicaragua, on August 23rd. The objective was to present their positions and the work that the young people will carry out in order to support the new BWI Regional Committee of Youth for Latin America and the Caribbean.
The Central American resolution was highly applauded and supported by all General Secretaries and Presidents.
The participating youth unions were: FENTICOMMC, FUNTRACON, FETRACOM of Dominican Republic; SOICSCES of El Salvador; FESITRASMMAR and SINCS-G of Guatemala; SITRAASPE of Honduras; SNSCAASC and FITCM-N of Nicaragua; SUNTRACS of Panama and UNATROPYT of Costa Rica.