Colombia: Clear Rules, Fair Play! Campaign for Decent Work in Barranquilla 2018

The union SINTRAINDUMACOIN launched their Campaign for Decent Work in the remodeling construction sport projects of infrastructure on the city of Barranquilla with the slogan: Clear Rules, Fair Play! 


Barranquilla, on the Colombian Caribbean coast, will host the 2018 Central American and Caribbean Games (JCAC). The union event was held on Friday, November 18th. 

The objective of the campaign is to improve the working conditions of the workers at workplace. It consists of a mapping that showed data and information about working conditions at the first land movements and demolition. The idea is to approach workers by union promoters who survey the workers to know their living conditions, work and characteristics of their employment relationship with the companies or consortiums that build and remodel the stadiums. Then, those workers will become registered to organize them per their decisions. 

The launch of the campaign was attended by entities from the public and private sectors, associations and media. Some of the attenders were the Ministry of Labor, the Chamber of Construction (CAMACOL - Atlántico), the Barranquilla District Legislative Council, representatives of the National Service Of Learning - SENA, representatives of the Intergremial of Construction and Wood Workers of Colombia, representatives of CUT, CTC and CGT (the three most representative trade union Confederations in Colombia), as well as some workers. 

Arnulfo Berrios, President of SINTRAINDUMACOIN, stressed the importance of "collaborate for better conditions at the development of the construction projects. This event can be remember for high performance sporting skills but also because of the structures were built in the best possible conditions", he emphasized. Palmides Escorcia of SINTRAPIZANO also stated that "the companies that carry out the construction projects must ensure that the projects under their responsibility are executed with Decent Work". 

The representative of the Ministry of Labor, Javier Suárez said, "valuing people means offering Decent Work, this is why it is important to have a direct communication with the District Mayor in order to get to know the companies that win the bids". BWI Project Coordinator, Ernesto Marval, explained the experience of the international trade union organization in previous global events such as the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa, Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup and the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. He concluded by stating that it is important to ensure that "in construction projects must be ensure the best possible conditions of safety and health, no fatal accidents, no injuries, best salaries, social benefits and the best working conditions" he said.