Colombia: SUTIMAC renews its leadership

08 February 2018 17:12

The National Trade Union of Workers in Construction Materials Industry of Colombia, (SUTIMAC) elected a new Directors National Board for the period 2018-2020 at its recent General Assembly held on January 24th - 27th, 2018 in the town of Jumbo, industrial zone of Cali (Valle del Cauca), west region of the country.

SUTIMAC, distinguished by its historical struggles and conquests in benefit of workers in the construction industry and their families, brings together 2500 members of cement companies, brick and other construction materials. In Colombia, there’s a 4.6% growth estimation of construction sector in 2018, almost twice as much as the rest of the economy for this year according to employers grouped in the Colombian Construction Chamber (CAMACOL).

The responsibility for conducting the organization as president fell to Manuel Fernandez from the Bolivar branch of the union for the period 2018-2020. Fernandez is an experienced union leader in his country and region who have served as General Secretary of the National Board of Directors until his election as president last week. Together with him, other 21 leaders will guide the union during next period, including José Hernández as Vice President, Walter Echavarria as General Secretary and Miguel Sierra as Treasurer Secretary.

In a note sent to Fernandez, Nilton Freitas, Latin American and the Caribbean BWI Regional Representative, highlighted the work by Otoniel Ramirez Lopez former president, who has dealt during years with on several fronts, including repression, intimidation and violence against Colombian trade union movement. Even so, SUTIMAC achieved substantial improvements for its members, said Freitas.

The context in which Manuel Fernandez and his comrades assumes the new responsibilities isn’t less difficult, but certainly they will overcome the circumstances in a country that presents a renewed international image in its economic indicators, but with serious inequalities, weaknesses and injustices, finalized the note issued from the BWI Regional Office in Panama City.

SUTIMAC is a member of the Intergremial of Construction and Wood Workers of Colombia, the platform for trade union work that brings together trade unions from the BWI sectors in this country..