In October a new construction workers confederation was established in Ecuador. The Confederation of Construction Workers of Ecuador (CTCE) was launched during the Habitat III Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development of the United Nations in the city of Quito between October 17th and 20st.
The launch of the confederation started with a meeting with the Minister of Labour and finished with a public ceremony in the auditorium of the Central Bank of Ecuador on October 19th. Over 100 representatives of trade unions and political organizations of Ecuador attended the launch of the new confederation.
Hoover Delgado was elect first President and he will continue to hold the title of President for the Equatorian Federation of Mechanic Equipment Workers (FEDESOMEC).
In his opening speech he stated, "After crisscrossing across Ecuador and talk workers, union representatives and leaders it was clear that we needed to join together in a political trade union organization who represents construction workers in one first. This is why this organization has established. It's main objective is to fight for the unity of construction and wood workers, and to support and provide better quality of work to those of our comrades who work under precarious conditions.”
Among other founding organizations of the new confederation were FENARPROME, which organizes woodworkers and carpenters in Ecuador, as well as 10 organizations from the sectors of construction and building materials.
Delgado took advantage of the presence of the Ninisters of Policy Coordination and Labour as well as the presence of official representatives of the Government of Ecuador, to send a message to Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa. He proposed to sign a training agreement with international certification in construction and wood, in order to protect the rights of the workers who will rebuild the areas affected by the earthquake in the provinces of Manabí and Esmeraldas.
In his congratulatory message, BWI president Per-Olof Sjöö said, "I hope this Confederation achieves big benefits for workers, and I promise that the next time I come to Ecuador I will meet again and you will be able to tell me all the achievements that you will surely get with this initiative".
He also stressed the need for the confederation to organize workers into trade unions as this would only increase the strength and the power of the confederation.
The confederation has also decided that it will affiliate to the BWI once all the necessary legal procedures are finalized. Government authorities of Labour Policy and Management also announced the signing of an agreement that will allow professional and technical training for certification of construction and wood workers of the CTCE.