Holcim-Lafarge: Fatal accident in Nobsa subsidiary

12 April 2016 10:25

A labor accident took place at the plant of Holcim, Nobsa subsidiary, Colombia, resulting in the tragic death of Brother Armando Martinez, a worker who was hired by the subcontractor FESA, which supplies workers to this multinational.

Unfortunately, it has become a common fact the increase in the frequency and severity of labor accidents occurred in times of industrial restructuring, especially when there´s no level of consultation and dialogue with workers and their representatives, regarding to the impacts generated by the restructuring, as well as on the level and quality of employment.

Given this fact, a balanced research about the major occupational risks - by industry and project- must be a constant action, with the participation and consultation of workers' representatives and the pertinent State Agencies that legislate issues of Health and Safety at workplaces. We need to identify the causes of this unfortunate accident suffered by Brother Martinez, so we can guarantee the non-recurrence of a similar disaster.

The Building and Wood Workers` International (BWI) expresses its sincere condolences to the family of the worker and his coworkers. In turn, we reiterate our commitment to the eradication of accidents at workplaces. With this intention, BWI drives in the Latin America and the Caribbean, the Campaign "Unions make work safer: ¡A Death, A Stoppage!”, whose main purpose is, together with its member global unions, to drive concrete actions to ensure optimal conditions and safety at working.