It's not a joke: Conversations about gender-based violence and harassment at workplaces
Conversations About gender-based violence and harassment in workplaces
Each year, BWI joins workers, trade unionists, activists, and the international community in marking the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25 November by launching our annual 16 Days of Trade Union Activism on Violence Against Women.
Through our ongoing activism and collective efforts to combat all forms of gender-based violence, 45 countries have ratified International Labour Organisation Convention No. 190 on the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work (ILO C190). However, there remains a pressing need to intensify lobbying efforts and push for more governments to ratify this vital convention.
At the same time, BWI believes in a “bottom-up” approach, where significant change to eliminate gender-based violence and harassment can begin at the workplace level. This involves transforming workplace cultures to eliminate hostility, sexism, and misogyny.
“It is not a joke” when it comes to sexist, racist, or other discriminatory humour that is offensive, prejudicial, and damaging to individuals on both personal and social levels. When such jokes target women, they should be regarded as clear cases of harassment.
Women workers and trade unionists in BWI sectors should not have to endure jokes or statements that reinforce gender stereotypes, workplace cultures that tolerate sexual harassment and sexism, the exclusion of minority groups from decision-making processes, or assumptions that women should perform only certain tasks. It is crucial to end practices that undervalue the roles of minority groups.
Every worker in construction, building materials, and wood and forestry industries can adopt simple yet powerful workplace actions to help end gender-based violence and harassment:
Talk and Listen:
- be open to hear workers stories #HerStory
- pay attention to the experiences of others.
Learn and Speak Out:
- Educate yourself and others about gender-based violence and harassment from BWI materials and get familiar with the ILO C190 and union toolkit; ;
- Know what your workplace policies say about violence and harassment;
- Add your voice to call out gender-based violence and harassment at work and spread out the message through social media. Visit our online platforms: FB: BWI Global Union, X: @BWIglobal IG: BWI Global Union
Support and Act:
- Support victims and those affected by gender-based violence and harassment by believing in their stories #HerStoryOurStory;
- Find a safe way to help when you see acts of gender-based violence and immediately contact your union,
- Join trade union actions against gender-based violence and harassment and BWI campaigns to Stop Gender Based Violence and Stop Macho Culture
In 2024, as part of the 16 Days of Trade Union Activism on Violence Against Women, BWI emphasises that creating a work environment free from gender-based violence, harassment, sexism, and misogyny is a shared responsibility for all trade unions and workers in BWI sectors. BWI calls on its affiliates to engage directly with workplaces and empower workers to implement these simple yet impactful actions.
Download our workplace actions infographics here..