18 April 2016 11:03
Join the runs against Child Labour in Schimmert Netherlands on June 14 - funds will go to the schools in India
Runners who want to support a good cause on Sunday, June 14th are welcome in the South Limburg Schimmert Netherlands, near the German and the Belgian border.
18 April 2016 10:59
"We want to ensure all children have access to education and schooling and to improve the wages of adult workers by strengthening trade unions. If you share BWI’s vision of a child labour free world, participate in the Child Learn Marathon on 14 June 2015 in Schimmert Netherlands," says Ambet Yuson, general secretary of the Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) who supports the event.
18 April 2016 08:36
Very often, unscrupulous companies use the cheapest form of labour available to cut production costs, even at the risk of endangering the lives of children who work the longest hours and are the worst paid of all workers.