Intergremial, Colombia. One of the campaign-supporting trade unions in LAC region
From 2 September to December 2019, the BWI Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (BWI LAC Region) is developing a solidarity campaign in support of the Cuban people called: #UnblockCuba.
The campaign has been supported by more than twenty unions in a number of countries throughout the region such as Bermuda, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Panama, Costa Rica, Peru, Colombia and Brazil. The objective of this campaign is to express the BWI LAC Region’s total rejection of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba. This blockade, which has been in place for almost six decades, is the most severe, unfair and prolonged unilateral sanctions system applied to a country in the Latin American region. It also constitutes as not only the main obstacle to the improving the Cuban economy and social development, but it also represents a serious challenge on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Organization in Cuba.
Some of the main effects of this unjust measure are: economic losses that have reached at least USD 930.000,000; greater restriction on the already limited opportunities of the US business sector in Cuba; the imposition of a list of 179 Cuban entities which US institutions, individuals or legal entities, are prohibited from conducting transactions with; permanent persecution of Cuban financial transactions, banking and credit operations with Cuba on a global scale; rationalization of electricity service; lack of construction materials and therefore, paralysis and delays in large infrastructure projects.
For this reason, the BWI LAC Region calls its affiliates in the region to support this campaign the following measures:
Sending solidarity messages to the Cuban people.
Sending protest letters against the blockade to US Embassies in each of the Latin American countries.
United for the freedom of the Latin American people. Cuba free now!
SINTEPAV-BA, Brazil, supporing LAC Solidarity Campaign with Cuba