Mylene has been a member of SEBI Executive Committee in Curazao for 10 years. She is 53 years old and is a mother. Currently, she holds the position of Secretary on the Executive Committee.
BWI: How do you define Gender policy in SEBI?
MS: Gender policy in SEBI is very transparent in the sense of considering both masculine and feminine gender as equals. There are no differences related to gender issues, but by militancy, effort and responsibility to provide to affiliates an organization that seeks the common good of all.
BWI: What process developed SEBI to determine and promote gender parity within union?
MS: The concept used by SEBI to promote gender parity within union is strongly related to equality as a belonging of everyone; either if we talk about their duties and rights, we all are the same. That makes the organization work.
The process of electing members in the Executive Committee is developed according to the rules of the union that does not make differences between genders. The process is carried out every three years.
BWI: What would be the aspects that are needed in SEBI for the full development of gender equality?
MS: The aspect that SEBI needs for the full development of gender equality is that its membership develop its trade union thinking. I say this because today there is an anti-union thinking among young people who enter to the labor service. There is no interest to be part of organizations like ours. It would also be important to organize courses on different subjects such as finance, sports, computers, etc. to attract young people to the union.
BWI: BWI will hold its Congress soon. An increase or progress in the equality policy will be determined. What could be SEBI contribution to this proposal?
MS: The contribution of SEBI would be to support BWI objective of prioritize unionization of young women within the unions. I think it is a valuable aspect for equality between genders since with more women affiliated it’s possible to better emphasize the incorporation of young women agenda. For the next few years this should be a priority for all unions.
SEBI also believes that BWI can contribute with financial resources to unions who show truly commitment to organize training courses to strengthen gender equality policies.