Workers affiliated to the Trade Union of AW Faber Castell Peruana S.A. developed their General Assembly on sunday April 3rd, 2016, in a context of joy because of the presence of the Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Building and Wood Workers' International (BWI) Nilton Freitas.
The General Assembly discussed issues of vertebral importance to the union and its workers due to their recent established, as advances and setbacks in the statement of Collective Bargaining with Faber Castell presented in February of this year.
Another topic is the evolution and increased membership and the posibility to expand their Board with a new Ministry of Women and Ministry of Social Welfare. The activity allowed the intervention of union leaders, including their General Secretary Eddy Huaman and the BWI Regional Representative itself, which provided a report on how international trade union movement is and how Faber Castell is monitored in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Freitas said "... in Peru, labour laws do not favour workers as the law does in other countries. Meanwhile, I would like to congratulate to all for the initiative to form a new trade union and that in such a short time has already 180 workers...". He added and shared with the Assembly the existence of an International Framework Agreement which urges to the parties ( BWI members and Faber Castell plants around the world) to maintain ongoing dialogue and good practice between the union and workers.
Freitas recalled that, in conversation with the General Manager of Faber Castell Lima Plant, they agreed on the benefits of good relations and practices of dialogue between employers and workers as in Faber Castell Germany and Brazil. On the other hand, it has been highlighted by the union leaders, the atmosphere of solidarity and support among workers of the same family, said Eddy Huaman, General Secretary, in his final speech.