Power of the People: Park Geun Hye Impeached

10 March 2017 11:25

Today, the South Korean Constitutional court unanimously voted 8-0 to uphold the South Korean National Assembly vote to impeach Park Geun Hye from elected office as President. Last 9 December, 234 of the 300 National Assembly members voted for her impeachment. 


 “The official impeachment of Park Geun Hye shows the will and the power of the people,” stated Ambet Yuson, General Secretary of BWI.

He continued, “Since the corruption scandal broke out last year, the people of South Korea called for Park to take responsibility and when she refused, millions of South Koreans took to the streets. The South Korean people’s strength and unity has reaffirmed the genuine democratic process in South Korea. With the Presidential elections to take place in May, the BWI calls on all Presidential candidates to stop regressive labour law reforms and immediately release all imprisoned trade unionists including, members of our affiliate, KFCITU and Han Sang Gyun, President of the KCTU.”

In their decision, the Constitutional Court heavily criticized Park’s indifference and lack of genuine recognition of the investigation process towards the charges of corruption against her. They made references to her consistent denial to appear in the hearings on the corruptions scandal as well as attempts to destroy damaging and incriminating evidence.

Furthermore, in their opening, the Court recognized that the Constitutional trial is based on the power of the people, indirectly making references to the millions of South Koreans who participated in weekly and sometimes daily mass demonstrations calling for the immediate impeachment of Park. With the impeachment, Park is now liable for prosecution.