Gender Equality

15 November 2023 08:34

Philippines: ILO Convention 190 gains momentum, moves forward


The Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) and its affiliates in the Philippines have applauded Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.'s recent endorsement of International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 190 to the Senate of the Philippines, which they said is a critical step in tackling workplace violence and harassment. Read more...

15 November 2023 04:30

During the BWI & 3F online Women’s Leadership Development Workshop held on 30-31 October, 22 women trade union leaders, including 9 youth participants, underwent training on diverse leadership styles and principles. Read more...

28 September 2023 15:58

Global unions and their affiliates in the Philippines on 27 September called on the administration of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. to join the growing list of Read more...

22 September 2023 07:37

BWI southern Africa affiliates in the construction sector from Mauritius met online on 11-12 September and discussed “critical intersections” between the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention No. 190 on Violence and Harassment in Workplaces and climate change. Read more...

10 September 2023 16:13

This was the statement issued by women trade unionists who attended last 5 September BWI Africa and Middle East’s 17th Regional Women’s Committee Meeting. The women trade union leaders called on their fellow women workers to join hands in furthering expand spaces for their participation and leadership inside and outside trade unions. Read more...

10 August 2023 02:53

On 7 August, Ambassador Marcel Tibaleka, representing the Government of the Republic of Uganda, deposited the instrument of ratification of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention No. 190 on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work to ILO Director General Gilbert Houngbo at the ILO headquarters in Geneva.Read more...

21 June 2023 11:14

Last 13 June, Belgium joined a growing number of countries that ratified the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention No. 190 on the Violence and Harassment in Workplaces. The convention is the first international instrument that recognises the right to a world of work free from violence and harassment, and in particular the right to be free from gender-based violence.

19 June 2023 05:19

The Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) actively engaged inside and outside the International Labour Conference (ILC) which was held last week in Geneva, Switzerland. Read more...

15 June 2023 07:23

In Ghana, BWI and IndustriAll affiliates organised a "campaign activity" advocating for the ratification of International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 190 on Workplace Violence and Harassment. The activity, sponsored by IndustriEnergi-Norway, was held on June 8 in Accra's Hall of Trade Unions and drew thirty-two (32) trade unionists. Read more...