Swedish Painters’ Union Elects New Leadership

11 April 2016 12:54

At the recent Congress of the Swedish Painters’ Union close to 150 delegates elected a new leadership to lead the Malareforbundet under the banner of “Equal Values for the Trade Union Movement in the Future.”

Micke Johannson was elected as President. Instead of the traditional role of General Secretary and Treasurer, the union elected Peter Sjostrand, and Lennart Borgkvist respectively as Vice-Presidents.

Ambet Yuson, General Secretary of BWI was one of several guests at the Congress present to provide solidarity to the union and extend congratulations to a successful Congress. Yuson, particularly noted to the delegates, “The painters indeed bring color and some would say beauty to what are drabs of grey buildings, harsh steel, and dull wood. In the same way, your union has brought color to the international trade union movement through consistent solidarity and support.”

The Swedish Painters’ Union has been actively engaged in several trade union development projects and programs in Nepal South Africa, Brazil, and Panama.

One of the poignant moments of the Congress was the recognition of Lars-Åke Lundin, who after many years of contributing to the trade union movement in both Sweden and globally retired. Lars was a strong supporter of BWI and he was of course easily recognizable as he always carried a camera similar to photo journalists around the world.