Videos: From child labourers to teachers


On the occasion of this year’s World Day Against Child Labour, BWI trade union affiliates in India released short videos of two former child labourers who became teachers at Child Learn schools. 


In the said videos, CL teachers Phoolmani Devi and Pinki at the union-run schools in India narrated their tribulations and experiences as child labourers, and how solidarity and compassion helped them rewrite their future. 

The BWI, in partnership with Indian trade unions and partners from Denmark, Australia, Germany, Netherlands and Finland, has established the Child Labour Elimination Resource Network (CHILD LEARN), a non-profit registered company.  It is part of BWI’s “decent education for children, decent work of adults” campaign in the brick kiln, stone quarry and minor forestry sector. 

At present, there are a total of seventeen (17) BWI/union-run CHILD LEARN schools and preparatory centres for child labourers all over India. Implementing states include Bihar, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.

The video subtitles are available in: German   English   French   Spanish