Votorantim Cement: Unions demand social dialogue and fair negotiations

21 September 2018 08:10

Djenal Prado, Director of the cement workers' union SINDICAGESE

The unions representing the workers of Votorantim Cimentos SA in Brazil and Argentina have decided to request for a meeting with the company to analyze proposals for a unified system of collective bargaining and social dialogue in Brazil.

These proposals are in line with Votorantim status as a socially responsible transnational company which has a tremendous economic, social and environmental impact on the lives of their workers and communities surrounding their factories and facilities.

At the meeting, the participants also decided to formalize coordination of the International Trade Union Network of Workers of Votorantim Cement which will consist of one representative from each plant.  In addition, the unions adopted a Charter of Principles that regulate Votorantim’s operations and a work plan that prioritizes the communication with workers.

These and other important decisions were adopted at a meeting held in Aracajú, Sergipe, located in the Northeast region of Brazil, where one of the largest productive units of the company in Latin America, called Laranjeira is located.

During the meeting, the unions shared information on the progress of their respective collective bargaining, negotiations and compared working conditions and labor relations in each locality in Brazil and Argentina. In addition, they had the opportunity to discuss strategies for strengthening trade unions, noting the differences of trade union structures in Brazil and Argentina, and recognizing the innovative actions of the Brazilian unions in response to the impacts of the new labor legislation.

The Aracajú Meeting was held at the headquarters of the Federation of Industry Workers of the State of Sergipe (FETIES) with the support of BWI and the cement workers' union SINDICAGESE, who presented the members of the Network to the workers of the Laranjeiras unit in a meeting outside company