The World Board is responsible for the administration of the organisation and for the implementation of BWI policies. The members are appointed by the World Council..
World Board
Per-Olof (Peo) SJÖÖ, GS - Swedish Union of Forestry, Wood and Graphical Workers, (Sweden)President
Gail ASTRINAKIS (CARTMAIL), UNITE - Unite the Union Construction division, (United Kingdom)Deputy-President
Phyo Sandar SOE, BWFM - Building and Wood Workers Federation of Myanmar, (Myanmar)Deputy-President
Pierre CUPPENS, ACV-BIE - ACV Building, Industry and Energy Union, (Belgium)Deputy-President
Saúl MENDEZ RODRIGUEZ, SUNTRACS - National Construction Industry Workers´ Union, (Panama)Deputy-President
Dietmar SCHÄFERS, IG BAU - Trade Union for Building, Forestry, Agriculture and the Environment, (Germany)Deputy-President
, Albert Emilio (Ambet) YUSON, BWI - Building & Wood Workers' International, (Switzerland)General Secretary
Africa - Middle East and North Africa
Abdelmonem Ibrahim Mohamed ELGAMAL, GTUBWW - General Trade Union for Building and Wood Industries Workers, (Egypt)Regional Vice-President
* David John (Dave) NOONAN *, CFMEU - Construction, Forestry, Mining & Energy Union of Australia (Construction and General Division), (Australia)Regional Vice-President
* Johan LINDHOLM *, BYGGNADS - Swedish Building Workers' Trade Union, (Sweden)Regional Vice-President
Latin America & Caribbean
Denilson PESTANA, FETRACONSPAR - Federation of Workers in Construction and Wood Furnitures Industries of the State of Paraná, (Brazil)Regional Vice-President
North America
Robert (Bob) WALLS, IAMAW - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers , (United States)Regional Vice-President
World Board Member
Nicole SIMONS, IG BAU - Trade Union for Building, Forestry, Agriculture and the Environment, (Germany)Member
Antonius (Toni) ALLGAIER, IG BAU - Trade Union for Building, Forestry, Agriculture and the Environment, (Germany)1st Substitute

Vacant2nd Substitute
James A. WILLIAMS Jr, IUPAT - International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, (United States)Member
Robert (Bob) WALLS, IAMAW - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers , (United States)1st Substitute

Vacant2nd Substitute
Rama Chandra KHUNTIA, INBCFWWF - Indian National Building, Construction, Forest and Wood Workers’ Federation, (India)Member

Smritee LAMA TAMANG, CUPPEC - Central Union of Painters, Plumbers, Electro and Construction Workers, (Nepal)1st Substitute
Muhammad Aslam ADIL, PFBWW - Pakistan Federation of Building and Wood Workers , (Pakistan)2nd Substitute
Siau Fang (Engrit) LIAW, STIEU - Sabah Timber Industry Employees Union, (Malaysia)Member
* Louisa JONES *, FIRST UNION , (New Zealand)1st Substitute
Phyo Sandar SOE, BWFM - Building and Wood Workers Federation of Myanmar, (Myanmar)2nd Substitute
Jean-Pascal FRANCOIS, FNSCBA CGT - National Federation of Construction Wood and Furniture Employees CGT, (France)Member
Andrea MERLI, FENEAL-UIL - National Federation of Building, Wood and Allied Workers, (Italy)1st Substitute

Vacant2nd Substitute

Justina JONAS EMVULA, MANWU - Metal & Allied Namibian Workers’ Union, (Namibia)Member

Oloka MESILAMU, UBCCECAWU - Uganda Building Construction, Civil Engineering, Cement & Allied Workers’ Union, (Uganda)1st Substitute
Stephen Igho OKORO, NUCECFWW - National Union of Civil Engineering Construction, Furniture & Wood Workers, (Nigeria)2nd Substitute
Zamaney MENSO, FNV - Dutch Trade Union Federation, (Netherlands)Member
* Brahim HILAMI *, CG FGTB - La Centrale Générale FGTB, (Belgium)1st Substitute

Vacant2nd Substitute
Ramazan AGAR, YOL-IS - Turkish Union of Road, Construction and Building Workers, (Turkey)Member
Vasyl ANDREYEV, PROFBUD - Construction and Building Materials Industry Workers' Union of Ukraine, (Ukraine)1st Substitute

Vacant2nd Substitute
Domagoj FERDEBAR, SGH - Trade Union of Construction Industry of Croatia, (Croatia)Member
Lejla CATIC, SSSPDP BiH - Independant Trade Union of Forestry, Wood Processing and Paper in Bosnia and Herzegovina , (Bosnia-Herzegovina)1st Substitute

Vacant2nd Substitute
Mariano HOYA CALLOSA, UGT FICA, (Spain)Member
Daniel BARRAGÁN BURGUI, CCOO del Hábitat, (Spain)1st Substitute
Sergio ESTELA GALLEGO, UGT FICA, (Spain)2nd Substitute
International Women's Committee
Marta PUJADAS, UOCRA - Construction Workers of the Republic of Argentina, (Argentina)Chair IWC
International Youth Committee
Laurence AKAYEZU, STECOMA - Trade Union of Workers Company in Construction and Carpentry, (Rwanda)Chair IYC
Regional Representive (Non-voting right)
, Crecentia MOFOKENG, BWI - Building & Wood Workers' International Africa & MENA, (South Africa)Regional Representative
Apolinar (Dong) TOLENTINO, BWI - Building and Wood Workers' International Asia & Pacific, (Malaysia)Regional Representative
Geneviève KALINA, BWI - Building and Wood Workers' International - Europe , (Switzerland)Regional Representative
, Nilton FREITAS, BWI - Building and Wood Workers' International - Latin America & Caribbean, (Panama)Regional Representative