BWI’s young unionists get ready for 2026 World Congress, elect new leaders

The BWI International Youth Committee held a meeting on 04 November 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland and elected its new youth chair. It also organised progressive discussions to boost the energy of the youth’s work and strategy to ensure an increase in the number of youth actions leading to the BWI’s next Congress in 2026.

The International Youth Committee meeting hosted four youth leaders representing the regions of Asia and Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean and North America to review the outcomes of the BWI’s recent youth activities and to discuss primary targets for the global youth strategy to shape the youth work in 2025 and 2026.

The participants deliberated issues regarding the need to increase political education to galvanise and organise young workers, enhance youth participation in unions’ and BWI’s events and actions. They also discussed how to further the youth work at regional and international levels mainly by increasing the level of communication among members, and youth network which will be nurtured by regular calls and information sharing.

The Committee also gathered to elect a new chair to run the youth work for another two years until the next BWI World Congress in 2026. Vinodh Kumar from TKTMS-India was elected as the chair while Jesper Ekström of SEF-Sweden became the First Vice Chair and Luis Vargas, representing the FENTICOMMC in Dominican Republic became the Second Vice Chair.

Check out the annual youth report, adopted by the BWI World Board, to have more insights on our youth work.

Read the report here.