
08 September 2016 10:36

International Olympic Committee – IOC: eleven deaths, not even a word

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) says it is committed to build a better world through sport. Just like FIFA, IOC is an independent, non-profit international organization.Weiterlesen...

08 September 2016 10:12

Over a hundred workers started a protest action near the 2018 World Cup stadium in Kaliningrad on July 27.Weiterlesen...

08 September 2016 10:11

With these words, Alan Real, expressed the pain of losing his younger brother. Weiterlesen...

29 July 2016 13:22

The ceremony “Lives lost at the worksites of the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro: Tribute to Workers” will be hosted on the 28th of July at 11am at the courtyard of Fiocruz, in Manguinhos-RJ Weiterlesen...

29 July 2016 12:49

On the morning of July 24, in Gangneung, South Korea an accident occurred at the construction site of the Ice Arene which is to serve as the venue for the Figure Staking and Short Track competitions for the upcoming 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. Weiterlesen...

19 July 2016 13:00

Workers at the 2018 World Cup stadium in St-Petersburg went on strike over unpaid wages on the 13th of July. Weiterlesen...

30 June 2016 10:43

Swedish unions and sports organisations have signed an agreement to ensure safe and decent working conditions for all workers involved in sports events. Weiterlesen...

30 June 2016 10:28

Last week, a delegation consisting of representatives of BWI affiliates from Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Sweden and Finland, along with BWI’s affiliate in South Korea KFCITU, conducted a site visit of construction project sites related to the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games. Weiterlesen...

30 June 2016 10:19

BWI Asia Pacific’s Regional Conference (20-22 June 2016), titled ‘Decent Work in Mega Sports Events’, has highlighted issues regarding health and safety, migrant workers’ rights and the difficulties of subcontracting.Weiterlesen...