09 June 2023 04:37
BWI women leaders adopt 4-year action plan to further advance gender equality
BWI’s International Women`s Committee (IWC), comprised of women trade union leaders from Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Africa, met on 31 May for its first meeting this year.Weiterlesen...
17 May 2023 08:28
BWI's women trade unionists spoke on climate justice and gender equality as two sides of the same coin to mark the end of spring 2023. Weiterlesen...
16 April 2023 11:47
Last 12 April, France became the 27th country in the world, and the 5th in the European Union, to ratify the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention No. 190 on Violnce and Harassment in Workplaces. Weiterlesen...
30 March 2023 05:47
Am 19.-20. März hielt die Gewerkschaft Thamizhaga Kattida Thozhilalar Madhiya Sangam (TKTMS), ein Mitgliedsverband der Bau- und Holzarbeiter Internationale (BHI) aus Südindien, in Ooty (Tamil Nadu) ihre Mitgliederversammlung ab. Weiterlesen...
28 March 2023 12:37
Vom 17.-19. März fand die Arbeitnehmerinnenkonferenz der Subregion für die Balkanländer in Nordmazedonien statt. Es trafen sich mehr als 70 Gewerkschafterinnen aus Nordmazedonien, Kroatien und Serbien sowie führende Vertreterinnen der BHI und der Europäischen Föderation der Bau- und Holzarbeiter (EFBH) aus den Niederlanden, Finnland und Schweden.Weiterlesen...
10 March 2023 10:18
As part of BWI’s celebration of this year’s International Women’s Month, the 12 million-strong global union launched its 2023 Women Workers’ Calendar showcasing women trade unionists from different parts of the world and their struggle for women empowerment, workers’ rights, safe spaces and gender equality.Weiterlesen...
09 March 2023 10:13
Women oppression is directly linked to environmental degradation. Women workers cannot expect to realise equality in a world ravaged by the climate crisis. Weiterlesen...
08 March 2023 02:13
The Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) joins the global trade union movement in marking this year’s International Women’s Day by asserting that the struggle for gender equality is the struggle for climate justice.Weiterlesen...
07 March 2023 15:26
On the eve of this year’s International Women's Day, the French affiliates of BWI have once again took to the streets all over France to protest a pension reform project that is detrimental to women workers. The protesting workers underscored women workers’ salaries and pensions, which they said remain lower than those of men.Weiterlesen...