08 January 2024 08:26
Turkiye: Union pushes for improved working conditions amidst climate crisis
TARIM ORMAN-IS held a climate change and forestry panel discussion in October of last year in Antalya with the participation of forest rangers and engineers to learn and discuss the devastating impact of climate change and extreme weather conditions on working conditions in the forestry sector.Weiterlesen...
13 December 2023 04:05
Five individuals lost their lives in a tragic construction accident in Sweden when a construction lift collapsed on Monday. Weiterlesen...
29 November 2023 07:33
Trade union leaders from BWI affiliates led by Zach Smith of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU), Morgan Mazarura of the Zimbabwe Construction and Allied Trade Workers' Union (ZCATWU), and Linnea Wikström, BWI Global Coordinator for Construction and Infrastructure, have collectively advocated for increased worker health and safety protection at the 28th World Safety and Health Congress held in Sydney, Australia.Weiterlesen...
22 November 2023 10:53
In Uttarakhand, India, forty one (41) construction workers were trapped on 12 November when the Silkyara Bend-Barkot tunnel collapsed during construction by the Navayuga Engineering Construction Limited (NECL).Weiterlesen...
20 November 2023 15:05
In response to a recently released joint study by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) on occupational exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR), the Building and Wood Workers' International (BWI) called for urgent measures to increase health and safety protection for workers.Weiterlesen...
14 November 2023 13:12
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held its Asia Pacific Climate Week (APCW) 2023 in Johor Bahru, Malaysia from November 13 to 17, 2023, with the goal of discussing climate solutions ahead of the COP 28 in Dubai. ItWeiterlesen...
05 November 2023 13:22
Hot on the heels of their success in reinstating their president, Dariusz Kawka, the BWI-affiliated Solidarnosc has achieved yet another significant victory in the fight for workers' rights at the IKEA Industry factory in Lubawa, Poland.Weiterlesen...
01 November 2023 02:36
The Building and Wood Workers' International (BWI) actively took part in the Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week (LACCW), which took place in Panama from 23 to 27 October.Weiterlesen...
31 October 2023 04:16
Thirty one (31) construction trade unionists, including seventeen (17) women leaders, from seven (7) countries met from 25 to 27 October to broaden their knowledge and awareness on climate change as well as on a broad range of other important issues such as justice and finance, technical and vocational education, and training institutions (TVETs); mental health; and occupational health and safety (OHS). Weiterlesen...