
12 June 2024 09:36

BWI scores big against FSC-certified companies in junta-ruled Myanmar


The Building and Wood Workers' International (BWI) has pressed on the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to cancel its certification scheme under military junta rule Myanmar in which workers and trade union rights are gravely violated. Weiterlesen...

23 April 2024 11:44

In a bid to uphold the principles of sustainable forestry, the BWI-affiliated TARIM ORMAN-İŞ has actively participated in the regular workplace inspections conducted by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) as a key member of the FSC International.Weiterlesen...

20 December 2023 15:55

The Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) and LabourStart urgently call on you to join us in demanding that the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) reverses its impertinently flawed decision to maintain chain-of-custody certificates and uphold FSC certification systems in Myanmar under military junta rule.Weiterlesen...

27 April 2023 08:37

Coen Van der Veer, BWI Director for Wood and Forestry presented the outcomes of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) General Assembly held last October 2022, which among others, adopted a motion that secures the free access of trade union representatives to FSC-certified worksites and plants to talk to the workers employed.Weiterlesen...

10 March 2022 07:35

Der FSC signalisierte seine Solidarität mit allen Opfern dieser Gewalt. „All unsere Gedanken sind bei der Ukraine und ihren Bürgern; auch wir hoffen auf eine Rückkehr zum Frieden. Darüber hinaus haben wir Mitleid mit denjenigen Menschen in Belarus und Russland, die diesen Krieg nicht wollen“, sagte FSC-Generaldirektor Kim Carstensen.Weiterlesen...

07 March 2022 14:00

The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC International) has announced that all timber coming from Russia and Belarus are now considered “conflict timber.”

25 October 2021 09:45

The FSC International has elected to its Board of Directors Mark Asante Ofori, General Secretary of the Ghana’s Timber Woodworkers Union (TWWU). Representing the social chamber south from 2021 to 2025, Ofori replaces Rulita Wijayaningdyah of KAHUTINDO-Indonesia. Weiterlesen...

05 April 2021 06:00

Die GS Facket, die schwedische Gewerkschaft für die Druck-, Holz- und Forstwirtschaft, hat den Weltforstrat (FSC) dazu aufgerufen, keine Zertifizierungen mehr für Rohmaterialien auszustellen, die von der Militärjunta in Myanmar exportiert werden. Weiterlesen...

25 February 2021 13:15

BWI started its “Workers’ Voices Webinar Series” with a discussion on stewardship in the forestry and value chain on 17 February. Weiterlesen...