ICM Internacional de Trabajadores de la Construcción y la Madera
Internacional de Trabajadores de la Construcción y la Madera
La ICM es una Federación Sindical Internacional (FSI) que agrupa a sindicatos libres y democráticos con miembros en la construcción, los materiales de construcción, la madera, la silvicultura y sectores conexos.
On this Global Day of Action for the Amazon, 5 September, the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) seeks to highlight the struggles of the Amazon's population under the banner #ListenToAmazonianVoices.
To celebrate the 2024 International Youth Day on 12 August, the BWI is calling on its affiliates, partners, and young workers to take action to spread the demand of the BWI Youth to fist up for the planet to build a liveable world!
Geneva, 5 June 2024 - In a landmark case, the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) is filing two formal complaints with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) against Saudi Arabia for severe human rights abuses and wage theft involving at least 21,000 construction workers by various but mainly two now-bankrupt Saudi construction companies alone.