26 April 2018 14:45


ACT NOW and sign our campaign! Construction workers affiliated to the National Union of Workers in the Construction and Similar Industries (SUNTRACS) of Panama, a trade union organization affiliated to the BWI is on strike after negotiating for more than 240 days with the Panamanian Chamber of Construction (CAPAC).

SUNTRACS is facing a wage increase of 12,5% per year in all categories in the construction industry. However, the proposal of the business sector affiliated to the Panamanian Construction Chamber, CAPAC, is only 3 cents of balboas per hour (around USD 4.00) monthly.

The BWI considers that the construction workers, regardless of their country, should not only be respected and valued, but also recognized in terms of labour rights and salary. This is why BWI, its affiliates and fraternal organizations ask CAPAC to sign as soon as possible the Collective Bargaining Agreement 2018-2021 with SUNTRACS. ACT NOW and take two minutes to sign hereunder!



Héctor Ortega S.

President of Panamanian Chamber of Construction (CAPAC)



Engineer Ortega:

As President of the Panaman Chamber of Construction (CAPAC), I urge you to sign the collective agreement 2018-2021 with the National Union of Workers of the Construction Industry and Similar Industries (SUNTRACS), affiliated to the BWI, which is on a national strike since April 18.

I understand that the negotiations between CAPAC and SUNTRACS have been going on for more than 240 days, but cannot conceive a proposal for a salary increase of only 4 cents per hour for construction workers, equivalent to approximately USD 4.00 per month. The SUNTRACS counterpart requires an 11% wage increase per year.

I support BWI affiliate demanding an early signing of the collective agreement 2018-2021 that reflects the salary aspirations of workers in Panama. I urge CAPAC to find a correct and timely resolution path that benefits the productive force that generates wealth in the industry and contributes to the GDP of the Republic of Panama.


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