02 December 2022 06:17
Ghana: Unionists train on OHS and labour clauses for better MNC organising
25 trade unionists from West and East Africa attended a three-day training last 28-30 November on occupational health and safety and labour clauses in the context of organising workers in multinational companies. Lee mas...
27 November 2020 13:08
El domingo, los ciudadanos suizos votarán en el referéndum de la Iniciativa de Empresas Responsables. Si se adopta, la iniciativa obligará a las empresas con sede en Suiza a que sean legalmente responsables de lo que suceda en todas sus operaciones globales, incluidas sus cadenas de valor. Este es un paso importante para responsabilizar a las multinacionales por las violaciones a derechos laborales, sin importar en qué país tengan labores. No habrá escondite en ninguna parte.Lee mas...
30 June 2020 15:50
"La Internacional de Trabajadores de la Construcción y la Madera, ICM condena el ataques cobardes contra la línea de piqueteos de trabajadores despedidos en la planta de Holcim Cement Davao en Filipinas el 22 de abril, llevado a cabo por desconocidos que se aprovechan de la pandemia de COVID y la orden del gobierno de permanecer en casa", dice Ambet Yuson, Secretario General de la ICM.Lee mas...
10 February 2020 07:13
Nuremberg, Germany: BWI – IG Metall Annual Coordination Meeting on the implementation of International Framework Agreements
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12 December 2019 12:13
The Building and Wood Workers’ international (BWI) and SENTRO is today filing a complaint against the Swiss cement giant LafargeHolcim, regarding their lack of respect for workers’ rights at their plant in Davao, Philippines.Lee mas...
17 October 2019 11:45
Workers at Wendt Corporation, a plant based in Buffalo New York succeeded in winning their two-year fight for a collective bargaining agreement. The workers joined the Ironworkers Union (Local 576) in 2017 and they have been battling the management for its first contract. Finally, this past August the union and the management agreed to an agreement after nearly 60 sessions of negotiations. During the negotiations the Wendt management harassed union members and threatened to lay-off workers.
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17 April 2019 10:37
In June 2018, at the Holcim El Salvador plant in Metapán in the north of El Salvador, eight leaders from the first Board of Directors of SICCA [Union for the Cement Industry and Allied Workers] were dismissed the day after having presented the union to the Ministry of Labour.Lee mas...
12 February 2019 10:23
From 4 to 9 February, the Russian Timber Workers’ Trade Union (RTWU) ran an organizing drive at an IKEA factory in Tikhvin, Russia.Lee mas...
27 June 2018 06:42
Joint Media Release: The Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) and Public Services International (PSI) Asia Pacific Regional OrganisationsLee mas...