Norway: Strike ends in victory, workers get higher wages

After several days of strike action, Norwegian trade unionists gained a significant raise in their pay, which will provide 185,000 workers/members of LO/NHO firms greater purchasing power and lessen inequities. 

According to BWI affiliates,  23,000 LO members went on strike on 17 April, with 16,500 workers more joining on 21 April. The trade unionists demanded an improvement on the purchasing power of their members, additional increase for low-paid workers, many of whom are women, and a reduction in inequalities. Skanska, NCC and IKEA were among the many companies targeted by the workers’ industrial actions. 

As a result of the strike, all LO members will now be paid NOK 7.5 per hour, while low-wage workers will be paid NOK 11.5 or NOK 10.5, depending on whether they have local bargaining rights. 

The successful strike by Norwegian trade unionists is part of a wave strike that is sweeping Europe since the start of the year. Workers and their unions are demanding job stability, improved compensation and working conditions, and pension protection in the face of rising living costs and inflation. 

(Photo: Fellesforbundet)