
19 June 2020 08:27

European unions intensify ILO 190 push, reject Ukraine’s anti-union law


45 trade union leaders and officials from the BWI affiliates in Pan Europe, including 27 European Regional Committee titular members and substitutes, members of the European Regional Women and Youth Committees, Pan European Presidium and observers agreed to intensify their campaign for the ratification of ILO’s Violence and Harassment Convention 190 and reject Ukraine’s proposed anti-union law.Lee mas...

08 June 2020 10:12

El Comité Regional de Mujeres de la ICM (CRM) para África y Oriente Medio llevó a cabo su primera reunión virtual el 4 de junio con 34 participantes, incluidas titulares y observadoras de todas las subregiones. Lee mas...

08 June 2020 09:24

Histadrut lanzó un anuncio televisivo como parte de su campaña para exigir el fin de la violencia contra las mujeres en el trabajo y el hogar. La campaña pretende también instar a las mujeres a denunciar casos de acoso y violencia doméstica y en el lugar de trabajo. Lee mas...

16 March 2020 21:51

The Shashikala, Mobiliser, Construction Labour Union if Bihar State, India convened a mass rally on the occasion of International Women's Day. They called the union especially women members to lobby the Indian Government for ratification of ILO Convention 190.Lee mas...

16 March 2020 21:40

Smritee Lama, Member, Asia Pacific Regional Women's Committee from CUPPEC, Nepal extends greetings to trade union sisters and brothers on the occasion of IWD and urges Government of Nepal to ratify ILO Convention 190.Lee mas...

10 March 2020 12:47

Kislova Ekaterina is a communication officer in the Russian Timber Workers Union Central Committee (union governing body). As a young active woman, she calls union members to stand up together and promote ratification of the ILO Convention 190. Ekaterina expresses zero tolerance to the violence and harassment in world of work and specifically highlights issue of gender-based violence. Lee mas...

10 March 2020 12:38

Lesia Husak is a company level trade union leader from Ukraine. She is very active at the national scale on the issues of gender equality and women rights. Lesia is also a member of the BWI European Regional Women’s Committee where she represents women from Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Uzbekistan, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland. Lesia is leading the campaign in Central Asia and Eastern Europe for the ratification of the ILO Convention 190.
Lee mas...

09 March 2020 13:43

"Working in the construction industry is like going to the gym. I enjoy it. Construction work is not only for men, it is for women too. If you want to be a mason, carpenter or drive a tractor, just go for it. Don't let anybody tell you that you can't do all of these things just because you are not a man."Lee mas...

03 March 2020 10:03

Last year, the International Labour Conference adopted C 190 (2019), Violence and Harassment. Its adoption was a major accomplishment, not only because it had been a major priority for BWI and the rest of the global trade union for years, but because the content is clear and strong. Lee mas...