Travailleurs Migrants

05 February 2025 10:44

BWI advocates for workers’ rights at second Asia-Pacific Regional Review of the GCM


The Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) and its affiliates actively participated in the Second Asia-Pacific Regional Review of the Implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM) from 4 to 6 February 2025 at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok.Lire la suite...

17 November 2023 09:54

Construction trade unions in India, together with national centres, strongly objected to their government’s attempts to negotiate the export of Indian migrant workers to Israel to replace Palestinian construction workers.Lire la suite...

08 February 2022 15:03

Pierre-Yves Dermagne, Belgium’s Deputy Prime Minister, joined BWI and its Belgian trade union affiliates in a visit at the Dubai Upper Tower construction site being built by BESIX and talked to migrant workers employed there. Lire la suite...

19 November 2021 06:06

SASK, le Centre de solidarité syndicale de Finlande, en coopération avec le syndicat finlandais de la construction (Rakennusliitto), affilié à l'IBB, a lancé une campagne visant à promouvoir les droits des travailleurs migrants au Qatar en vue de la Coupe du monde de la FIFA 2022. Lire la suite...

26 October 2021 07:48

As Expo2020 opens in Dubai this month, serious violations of migrant workers’ rights continue in the UAE.Lire la suite...

13 October 2021 13:33

La Cour européenne des droits de l'homme (CEDH) a rendu le 7 octobre son verdict tant attendu en faveur de 33 Bosniaques qui ont poursuivi l'Azerbaïdjan il y a plus de dix ans pour traite des êtres humains et travail forcé.Lire la suite...

16 July 2021 02:34

FIFPRO and Building and Woodworkers’ International (BWI) have signed a cooperation agreement that will give professional footballers concerned about human rights a platform to support the rights of vulnerable workers before, during and after the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.Lire la suite...

15 July 2021 08:35

BWI holds a press conference on 15 July and releases its 2021 Progress Report on the collective journey of migrant workers, global unions and other actors and stakeholders in their quest for the recognition and fulfillment of human and labour rights in Qatar. Lire la suite...

14 July 2021 03:54

With 16 months to go before Qatar hosts the 2022 World Cup, BWI will hold a press conference on 15 July to publicly release its 2021 Progress Report on the collective journey of migrant workers, global unions and other actors and stakeholders in their quest for the recognition and fulfillment of human and labour rights in Qatar. Lire la suite...