
23 April 2020 19:25

Secrétaire général de l'IBB et Président du groupe ciment de l'IBB  sur LafargeHolcim


Secrétaire général de l'IBB et président du goupe ciment sur LafargeHolcimLire la suite...

25 October 2016 19:14

A study implemented to 113 cement companies in 40 countries who cover most regions of the world, confirms the difficulty of the industry to integrate unions in its policy, "even when the sample of the plants studied is atypical," said SECAFI Groupe Alpha, the entity who performed the analysis. Lire la suite...

21 October 2016 10:57

This September 28th, in Panama City, initiated the Global Conference Cement with a participation of 150 leaders of unions affiliated to BWI in 43 countries worldwide, in order to make a study on labor relations, outsourcing, health and safety, change climate, remuneration and social protection in the cement industry. Lire la suite...

21 October 2016 10:55

This month union leaders at the Theng Sreng Import Export Co. Ltd, a supplier of building materials (including window and door frames and roofing) to one of Cambodia’s largest house-building firms, were terminated from their employment after forming a union and holding elections.
Lire la suite...

07 April 2016 14:28

The BWI and the Ceramic Workers' Union of the Republic of Argentina (FOCRA) has filed a complaint against Etex Group under the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises of the The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).Lire la suite...

07 April 2016 14:12

Due the importance that the Building and Wood Worker´s International (BWI) gives to the recent conflicts in various countries resulted of the restructuring that Etex Group has carried out since 2013, we published a note of the representatives of Etex Group in Europe.Lire la suite...

07 April 2016 14:07

The BWI is calling on all of you to protest against the dismissal of 120 workers by the Belgian Etex-Eternit Group in Argentina Cerámicas San Lorenzo.Lire la suite...

07 April 2016 13:58

A statement of last January 8th, sent to the Regional Office of the Building and Wood Worker´s International (BWI) from its subsidiary in Argentina, Ceramic Workers' Union of the Republic of Argentina (FOCRA), reports that the trade union if workers of the Company Ceramica San Lorenzo, belonging to the Plant Azul began a few days ago a total labor strike since the Etex Group fired a "hundred" workers.Lire la suite...