
30 June 2020 15:50

BWI condemns attack on picket line of laid off workers at Holcim cement Davao plant


“The Building and Wood Workers’ International, BWI, condemns the cowardly attacks on the picket line of laid off workers at Holcim Cement Davao Plant in Davao Philippines on April 22, 2020 by unknown persons taking advantage of the COVID pandemic crisis and 'stay at home' order of the government “, says Ambet Yuson, BWI General Secretary.


19 June 2020 04:23

Since 2018, HeidelbergCement in Egypt has reduced its workforce by at least 2,000 through attrition and by not extending fixed term contracts. In December 2019, an independent study found that almost half of the 474 workers are contract workers at its Suez plant, one of four plants owned by HeidelbergCement in Egypt, where discriminatory labour conditions are a concern. Read more...

06 June 2020 12:25

More than two thirds of the total workforce at the Cement Fuheis Plant suffer from asthma, undoubtedly related to their exposure to dust at the workplace. To make matters worse, workers who do not pass health tests are not entitled to paid sick leave or paid sick retirement. These findings of an independently-conducted research raised concerns among BWI affiliates for these workers as respiratory illness increases the risk of complications should a worker contract COVID-19. Read more...

27 May 2020 11:33

Workers at the Chakrey Ting cement factory in Kampot, Cambodia have concluded an agreement with the company at the Regional Labour Department that will see the reinstatement of its union vice president, Houn Houen.

26 May 2020 06:24

On 26 May, 2020 the Swiss National Contact Point released its initial assessment on a case, referred to as a “specific instance”, submitted by the BWI on 12 December 2019 based on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The NCP concludes, “This report on the initial assessment by the Swiss National Contact Point (hereafter “Swiss NCP”) concludes that the issues raised in this submission merit further consideration on the specific context of the Philippines as well as on the global group level.”

11 May 2020 19:06

The Building and Wood Workers’ International, together with IndustriAll Global Union and the EFBWW, calls in a joint statement addressed to the shareholders of the LafargeHolcim Annual General Meeting to be held on 12 of May 2020 to prioritize the protection of employment, income and the health and safety of all those who work for them worldwide.Read more...

04 October 2017 02:30

A local police inquiry has begun into the death of two contract workers that occurred at the Ambuja Cement Plant in Baloda Bazar in the Indian State of Chhattisgarh.Read more...