Publication on Wages in the BWI Sectors in Pan-Europe Released

28 November 2019 13:05

At the recent BWI European Regional Committee that took place in Moldova on 14 November released a study entitled, “Mapping Effectiveness of Wage policies in construction and building materials sectors in Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.” The research was carried out with close collaboration with Independent Construction and Forestry Workers’ Union of Georgia, Federation of Construction and Building Materials Workers’ Unions of Moldova, the Construction and Building Materials Workers’ Union of Ukraine, and Construction and Building Materials Workers’ Union of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

The research analyzes the effectiveness of the trade unions’ policies on wages in the construction and building materials sector in Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. Based on the social and economic development data and data on wage levels in the construction and building materials sector, a comprehensive evaluation of these sector-based unions’ wage policies was undertaken with the following objectives: а) identify the major issues faced by the unions in relation to wages; b) determine the effectiveness of measures taken by the unions to address wage issues; and c) develop recommendations for the unions to improve their wage policy and its effectiveness.

“For workers in Georgia this research is extremely important. Minimum wage in our country is so low that we need a comprehensive campaign calling for a wage increase. This research will serve as important tool in this campaign,” said Marina Kurtanidze, president of the Independent Construction and Forestry Workers’ Union of Georgia.

“The research has shown that the problem of low wages is common for all countries Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Noting this, unions in these two sub-regions have agreed to develop a strategic action plan that can be simultaneously implemented at the workplace, as well as at the sector, and country level in all the countries,” said Vasyl Andreyev, president of PROFBUD, Ukraine.

The publication is available in English and Russian.