Worker fatality at IFI-funded Balakot Hydropower Project highlights OHS concerns
MANSEHRA, PAKISTAN – On 5 December 2024, a tragic accident occurred at the Balakot Hydropower Project in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province, claiming the life of Naqash Ahmed, a construction worker. Four others sustained severe injuries when a mountain tunnel under construction collapsed. The injured workers are currently receiving medical treatment.
The Balakot Hydropower Project is a 300-megawatt (MW) run-of-river facility located on the Kunhar River. The project is financed by international financial institutions (IFIs), including the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The China Gezhouba Group Company (CGGC) serves as the primary contractor.
This tragedy has spotlighted longstanding occupational health and safety (OHS) concerns at the site. The Insaf Labour Union, under the Pakistan Federation of Building and Wood Workers (PFBWW), an affiliate of the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI), has been actively organising workers at the project and advocating for improved safety measures.
In the aftermath of the accident, media reports suggest that the KPK provincial government has called on CGGC to adhere strictly to Pakistan’s labour laws and implement robust OHS safeguards.
Regarding the remedial actions after the incident, PFBWW General Secretary Aslam Adil said: "Although the company has committed to compensating the deceased worker's family with 1.1 million PKR and providing employment to three family members, this is not enough. We demand a thorough review of safety protocols, risk assessments, and standard operating procedures at the site. With the project expected to be completed by 2027, workers’ concerns about safety and working conditions must be taken seriously. Unions must be engaged in regular dialogue and joint inspections to prevent such tragedies in the future."
The incident underscores the urgent need for enhanced worker protection at IFI-funded projects, particularly in the construction sector, which remains one of the most hazardous industries in Pakistan. The PFBWW and its affiliates are determined to ensure that no worker’s life is needlessly put at risk in pursuing development goals.
As efforts to achieve justice and safer working conditions continue, the BWI and its affiliates reaffirm their commitment to promoting the rights, safety, and dignity of all workers.