3F - United Federation of Danish Workers
Sectors: Construction
ACEEU - Associated Consulting Engineers Employees Union
Sectors: Construction
ACIW - Association of Construction and Informal Sector Workers
Sectors: Construction
ACMS - Building, Wood and Forestry Workers Union
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...), Wood & Forestry
ACV-BIE - ACV Building, Industry and Energy Union
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...), Wood & Forestry
AFWBWA - Adivasi Forest Wood and Building Workers’ Association
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
AGAÇ-IS - Turkish Wood and Paper Industry Workers' Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
AHBWU - Azad Hind Building Workers Union
Sectors: Construction
AHPWD & IPHCWU - All Himachal PWD & IPH Contractual Workers' Union
Sectors: Construction
AICEF - All India Cement Employees Federation
Sectors: Cement
AIC-MOPT - Association Civil Engineers of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Sectors: Construction
AIKTMS - All India Construction Workers Central Union
Sectors: Construction
AINHPCWEF - All India NHPC Workers' & Employees' Federation
Sectors: Construction
AKU - Unorganised Workers Union
Sectors: Construction
ALU - Associated Labor Unions
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
AMACOA - Association of Authorized Master Builders of Works
Sectors: Construction
ANCWU - All Nepal Construction Workers' Unions
Sectors: Construction
APVVU - Andhra Pradesh Vyvasaya Vruthidarula Union
Sectors: Construction
BATU - Building, Construction &Timber Industries Employees' Union
Sectors: Construction
BBWWF - Bangladesh Building and Wood Workers' Federation
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
BCAWU - Building Construction and Allied Workers' Union
Sectors: Construction & Materials
BITU - Bustamante Industrial Trade Union
Sectors: Construction
BIU - Bermuda Industrial Union
Sectors: Construction
BLIK - Union of Plumbers and Pipe Fitter in Denmark
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
BMS-Gujarat - Construction Workers’ Union
Sectors: Construction
BMS-Punjab - Brick Kiln Workers’ Union
Sectors: Construction
BNKMU - Construction Workers' Union
Sectors: Construction
BRWF - Building and Road Workers' Federation
Sectors: Construction
BSBWWF - Bangladesh Sanjukta Building and Wood Workers' Federation
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
BWF - Brick-kiln Workers Federation
Sectors: Construction
BWFM - Building and Wood Workers Federation of Myanmar
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
BWTUC - Building and Wood Workers Trade Union Federation of Cambodia
Sectors: Construction
BYGGNADS - Swedish Building Workers' Trade Union
Sectors: Construction
C-47 - Progressive Trade Union Federation 47
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
CAWUN - Construction and Allied Workers’ Union of Nepal
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
CBMWU - Construction and Building Materials Workers’ Union CBMWU
Sectors: Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
CCESSA - Construction and Civil Engineering Senior Staff Association
Sectors: Construction & Materials
CCOO del Hábitat
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
CEPPWAWU - Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood and Allied Workers' Union
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...), Wood & Forestry
CERAMISTAS Criciùma - Trade Union of Workers in the Civil Construction, Ceramics and Wood Industry
Sectors: Construction & Materials
CETWUF - Construction Energy and Timber Workers’ Union of Fiji
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
CFBWU - Construction Forestry Brick and Wood Workers' Union
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
CFMEU - Construction, Forestry, Mining & Energy Union of Australia (Construction and General Division)
Sectors: Construction
CG FGTB - La Centrale Générale FGTB
Sectors: Construction
CIMSE-IS - Turkish Cement, Pottery and Glass Workers' Union
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
CIT - International Confederation of Workers
Sectors: Construction
CIWU - Concrete Industry Workers’ Union
Sectors: Construction
CLAWUZ - Cement and Lime and Allied Workers’ Union of Zimbabwe
Sectors: Cement
CLU - Construction Labour Union
Sectors: Construction
CMAW - Construction Maintenance and Allied Workers Canada
Sectors: Construction
CMWEU - Construction Metal, Wooden and Related Industries Employees Union
Sectors: Construction & Materials
CO-industri - Central Organisation of Industrial Employees in Denmark
Sectors: Construction
CONTICOM-CUT - National Confederation of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
CSGWU - Construction Site Workers’ General Union
Sectors: Construction
CTC - Confederation of Construction, Wood and Allied Workers of Ecuador
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...), Wood & Forestry
CTF - National Confederation of Forestry Workers
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
CUPPEC - Central Union of Painters, Plumbers, Electro and Construction Workers
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
DANMU - Delhi Unorganised Construction Workers' Union
Sectors: Construction
DANSK METAL - Danish Metal Workers’ Union
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
DEF - The Danish Union of Electricians
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
DNMS - Delhi Construction Workers' Union
Sectors: Construction
DSEWU - Delhi State Electricity Workers' Union
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
DTDA - Dump Truck Drivers Association
Sectors: Cement, Construction
EFEDOSZSZ - Federation of Building, Wood and Building Material Industry Workers’ Unions
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
EIFCWMCOTU - Ethiopian Industrial Federation of Construction, Wood, Metal, Cement & other Trade Unions
Sectors: Cement, Construction, Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
ELA - Industry and Construction Federation
Sectors: Construction
EL & IT Forbundet
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
ERCCMU - Eastern Railway Construction & Contractor Mazdoor Union
Sectors: Construction
ETU - Electrical Trades Union of Australia
Sectors: Construction
Etu (EPMU) - New Zealand Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
FCIW-Podkrepa - Federation “Construction, Industry and Water Supply”-Podkrepa
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
FCMW - Federation of Construction and Mines Workers (SEK)
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
FEDESOMEC - Equatorian Federation of Operators and Mechanics of Road Equipment
Sectors: Construction
FENASID - National Federation of Industrial Unions, Arauco Chile
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
FENATCO - National Federation of Workers in Construction
Sectors: Construction
FENATCS - National Federation of Workers, Professionals, Employees, Technicians and Workers in the Construction Industry, Wood, Heavy Machinery, Roads & Allied
Sectors: Construction
FENATIMAP - National Federation of Workers in the Wood Industry
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
FENEAL-UIL - National Federation of Building, Wood and Allied Workers
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
FENIBABCOM - National Trade Union of Building, Wood and Building Materials Industry of Mali
Sectors: Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
FENTICOMMC - National Federation of Workers in the Construction, Wood and Construction Materials Industries
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
FEQUIMFAR - Federation of Workers in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries of São Paulo
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
FESITRASMMAR - Federation of Wood, Forestry, Environment and Natural Resources Workers of Guatemala
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
FETIQUIM - Federation of Chemical Workers of CUT in the State of São Paulo
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
FETRACEPPE - National Federation of Cement and Pre-mix Workers of Peru
Sectors: Cement, Construction & Materials
FETRACOM - National Federation of Construction and Wood Workers
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
FETRACONSPAR - Federation of Workers in Construction and Wood Furnitures Industries of the State of Paraná
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
FETRACONSTRUCCION - Federation of Workers in the Building, Wood and Allied Industries
Sectors: Construction
FETRAMAQUIPES - Federation of Heavy Machinery Workers
Sectors: Construction
FETRAMAS - Trade Union of Workers in Masisa Mapal Plant
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
FF - Fellesforbundet - Norwegian United Federation of Trade Unions
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
FFW - Federation of Free Workers
Sectors: Construction
FGBB / UGTT Federation of Building and Wood
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
FGS - General Union Federation FAMILIA
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...), Wood & Forestry
FHF - Craft Workers’ Trade Union
Sectors: Construction
F Hukatan - Forestry, Wood and Agricultural Sectors
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
FILCA-CISL - Italian Federation of Construction and Allied Workers
Sectors: Cement, Construction, Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
FILLEA-CGIL - Italian Federation of Wood, Building and Allied Industry Workers
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
F-KUI - Federation of Construction, Informal and General Workers
Sectors: Construction
FNA - National Federation of Architects and Urban Planners
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
FNCB (CFDT) - National Federation of Salaried Workers in Construction and Wood Industries
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
FNSCBA CGT - National Federation of Construction Wood and Furniture Employees CGT
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
FNTBB - National Federation of Building and Wood Workers
Sectors: Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
FNTCS - National Federation of Building and Forestry Workers
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
FNTMCBL - National Federation of Workers of Building, Materials, Wood and Cork of Algeria
Sectors: Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
FNV - Dutch Trade Union Federation
Sectors: Construction
FO BTP - Building, Public Works, Wood, Paper, Ceramics, Quarries and Construction Materials
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...), Wood & Forestry
FOCRA - Ceramic Union Worker's of the Republic of Argentina
Sectors: Construction & Materials
FSCM/CUT - Federation of Workers in Construction and Furnitures Industries of the State of São Paulo - CUT
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
FSCR - Federation of Cement Workers' Unions of Romania
Sectors: Cement, Construction & Materials
FSLIL - Federation of Free Trade Union in the Wood Industry
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
FSNDSHPSH - Trade Union Federation of Building Wood and Public Services in Albania
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
FSO GSDP - Federation of Trade Union Organisations in Forestry and Wood Processing Industries
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
FTBB - Federation of Building and Wood Workers
Sectors: Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
FTBBF - Federation of Building and Wood Workers of Faso
Sectors: Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
FTBC - Federation of Wood and Construction Workers
Sectors: Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
FUNTRACON - National Federation of Construction and Related Workers
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
GAPWUZ - General Agriculture and Plantation Workers’ Union of Zimbabwe
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...), Wood & Forestry
GBH - Building and Wood Workers' Trade Union
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
GBSKS - Gujarat Bandhkam (Construction) Shramyogi Kaylan Sangh
Sectors: Construction
GCFITU - The Georgian Constructors and Foresters Independent Trade Union
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
GCMQWU - General Construction Manufacturing and Quarries Workers Union of TUC Ghana
Sectors: Construction
GFBCTU - General Federation of Building and Construction Trade Union
Sectors: Cement, Construction, Construction & Materials, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
GFBTU - General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
GFPGFWU - Gujarat Forest Produce Gatherers and Forest Workers’ Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
GMB @Work
Sectors: Construction
GS GIGMDIPP "Nezavisnost" - Branch Trade Union of Civil Engineering, Industry of Construction Material, Wooden and Road Economy "Nezavisnost"
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
GS - Swedish Union of Forestry, Wood and Graphical Workers
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
GTUBWW - General Trade Union for Building and Wood Industries Workers
Sectors: Construction & Materials
GTUBWW - General Trade Union of Building, Wood & Construction Materials Made
Sectors: Construction & Materials
GTUCW - General Trade Union of Construction Workers in Jordan
Sectors: Cement, Construction
GWU - General Workers’ Union, Metal and Construction Section
Sectors: Construction & Materials
HBCMU - Himachal Building and Construction Mazdoor Union
Sectors: Construction
HKMP - Indian Farm Labourers Union
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
HSS - Croatian Forestry Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
IABSORIW - International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers
Sectors: Construction
IAMAW - International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
IG BAU - Trade Union for Building, Forestry, Agriculture and the Environment
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
IG Metall - Metalworker's Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
INBCFWWF - Indian National Building, Construction, Forest and Wood Workers’ Federation
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
INCWF - Indian National Cement Workers' Federation
Sectors: Cement
Industry Energy Union
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
INRLF - Indian National Rural Labour Federation
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
Insaat-IS - The Independent Union of Building Complex Workers of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
INTERGREMIAL - Colombian Association of Construction, Building Materials and Wood Worker's
Sectors: Construction
IUPAT - International Union of Painters and Allied Trades
Sectors: Construction
KBCFTAIE - Kenya Building, Construction, Timber, Furniture and Industries Employees Union
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...), Wood & Forestry
KFCITU - Korean Federation of Construction Industry Trade Unions
Sectors: Construction
KGWU - Kenya Glass Workers Union
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
KKNTC - Kerala Building Construction Workers’ Congress
Sectors: Construction
KQMWU - Kenya Quarry and Mine Workers’ Union
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
KSCWCU - Karnataka State Construction Workers' Central Union
Sectors: Construction
KUPRIPUPA - Kenya Union of Printing, Publishing, Paper Manufacturing and Allied Workers
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...), Wood & Forestry
KUWU-KBWU - Kurdistan United WorkersUnion - Kurdistan Building and Wood Union
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
Kyrgyzstan Forestry and Wood Workers’ Trade Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
LBNA - Latvian Building Sector Trade Union
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
LMNA - Forest and Wood WorkersTrade Union of Latvia
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
LMPF - Federation of Lithuanian Forest and Wood Workers' Trade Unions
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
MAMU - Megacity Unorganized Workers’ Union
Sectors: Construction
MANWU - Metal & Allied Namibian Workers’ Union
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
MARRETA - Intermunicipal Trade Union of Workers of Construction and Building Industries of Pernambuco
Sectors: Construction
MBCFWC - Maharashtra Building Construction Forest and Wood Workers' Congress
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
MCWTUF - Mongolian Construction Workers Trade Union's Federation
Sectors: Construction
MFD - National Painters Union in Denmark
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
MFOU - Malay Forest Officers' Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
MITUF - Mongolian Industry Trade Union's Federation
Sectors: Construction
MPTSMC - Contract Workers' Congress
Sectors: Construction
MTSU - Malayan Technical Services Union
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
NAF - Norwegian Union of General Workers
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
Natural Resources and Ecology Employees Trade Union of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
NCS - Independent Road Workers Trade Union
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
NESAWU - National Energy Sector and Allied Workers Union
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
NIKKENKYO - Council of Japan Construction Industry Employees' Unions (JCU)
Sectors: Construction
NMPS - Union of Construction Workers Panchayat
Sectors: Construction
NMS - Construction Workers' Union
Sectors: Construction
NOBSM - Construction, Electricity, Energy, Transmission Workers’ Union
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
NTUF - National Trade Union Federation
Sectors: Construction
NUBCW - National Union of Building and Construction Workers
Sectors: Construction
NUBEGW - National Union of Building, Engineering and General Workers
Sectors: Construction & Materials, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
NUBWW - National Union of Building & Wood Workers
Sectors: Construction
NUBWW - National Union of Building, Wood Workers - Histadrut
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
NUCECFWW - National Union of Civil Engineering Construction, Furniture & Wood Workers
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
NUGCMS - All Odisha Rural Labour Union
Sectors: Construction
NUM - National Union of Mineworkers
Sectors: Construction & Materials
OFMFPWU - Orissa Forest and Minor Forest Produce Workers’ Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
OGBL - Construction, Building, Craft and Metal Union
Sectors: Construction & Materials
OKKS - Orissa Kendu Leaf Workers’ Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
ONMS - Orissa Construction Workers' Union
Sectors: Construction
ORMAN-IS - Turkish Forestry Workers' Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
PAHWU- Labour Union at the Public Authority of Housing Welfare
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
PBSKL - Palli Bidyut Sramik Kormachari League
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
PCF - Pakistan Construction Federation
Sectors: Construction
PFBWW - Pakistan Federation of Building and Wood Workers
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
PKNS - Employees Union
Sectors: Construction
PMLU-Nirmal - Migrant Labour Union
Sectors: Construction
PMLU - Palamoori Migrant Labour Union
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
PROFBUD - Construction and Building Materials Industry Workers' Union of Ukraine
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
PRO - Trade Union Pro
Sectors: Construction
PSWU - Public Services Workers’ Union of GTUC
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
PTGWO - Philippine Trade and General Workers Organisation
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
PUWU - Public Utility Workers’ Union
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
QUIMICAS ABC - Trade Union of Workers in the Chemicals Industries of ABC Region
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
QUIMICOS SP - Trade Union of Workers in the Chemical, Parmaceutical, Plastic and Similar Industries in the State of São Paulo
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
Rafidnadarsamband - Icelandic Electrical Workers' Union
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
Rakennusliitto - Construction Trade Union
Sectors: Construction
REWU - Rwanda Extractive Industry Workers Union
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...), Wood & Forestry
RK STROITEL - Republican Committee of the Construction and Building Materials Industry Workers' Union of the Kyrgyz Republic
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
RPKNMS - Stone Quarry and Construction Workers Union
Sectors: Construction
RWO - Rural Workers' Organisation
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SAMIDN - Federation of Skilled Construction and Industrial Workers
Sectors: Construction & Materials
SDGD - Trade Union of Construction Workers of the Republic of Slovenia
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
SEBI - Sindikato di Empleadonan den Bibienda
Sectors: Construction
Sectoral Trade Union of Workers of Building Complex and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
SEF - Swedish Electricians' Trade Union
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SEKO - Swedish Union of Service and Communication Employees
Sectors: Construction
SERBUK - The Indonesian Federation of People Labour Unions
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SEWA - Self Employed Women's Association
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SGEU - Shevaroys' General Employees Union
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
SGH - Trade Union of Construction Industry of Croatia
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
SGIGMCG - Trade Union of Building and Construction Materials Industry of Montenegro
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
SGI IGM BIH - Trade Union of Construction, Industry of Construction Materials of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sectors: Cement, Construction, Construction & Materials
SGIP - Trade Union of Civil Engineering, Industry and Planning of Republic of North Macedonia
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
SGS - Federation of General and Special Workers in Iceland
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SGTK - General Union Workers
Sectors: Construction
SIDEMK - Trade Union of Workers in Forestry, Wooden Industry and Energy in Republic of North Macedonia
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SIMAC Castro - Trade Union of Workers in the Industries of Sticks, Brushes, Sawmills, Compacted and Laminated Wood, Agglomerates, Wood Fibers and Wood Furniture and Officers Mercenaries de Castro
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SINACIN - National Intercompany Industrial Construction Workers Union
Sectors: Construction
SINCS-G - National Construction and Services Union of Guatemala
Sectors: Construction
SINDCONGRU - Trade Union of Workers of Building and Furniture Industries of Guarulhos and Aruja
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SINDENERGO - Trade Union Federation of Energy Workers of the Republic of Moldova
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SINDICOMP Imbituva - Trade Union of Workers in the Wood, Plywood, Rolled, Agglomerated, Sawn, Woodworking and Related
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SINDICONS - Federation of Constructions and Building Material's Trade Unions "SINDICONS" of the Republic of Moldova
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
SINDIMÁRMORE - Trade Union of Workers in the Marbles and Granite Industries of Curitiba and Metropolitan Region
Sectors: Construction & Materials
SINDIPISO Campo Largo - Trade Union of Workers in the Ceramic Industries for Construction, Floors, Tiles, Refractories and Similar in Campo Largo and São Mateus Do Sul in Campo Largo
Sectors: Construction & Materials
SINDMONT - Trade Union of Workers in the Assembly, Maintenance and Service Industries in the Industrial Areas from the State of Paraná
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SINDPRESP - Federation of Concrete Workers Union of São Paulo
Sectors: Cement, Construction & Materials
SINDSILVA - Federation of Trade Union in Forestry "SINDSILVA" of the Republic of Moldova
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SINDTICCC - Trade Union of Workers in the Construction, Installation and Maintenance of Camaçari Industry and region
Sectors: Construction
SINOFEL - Trade Union of Electrical Officials and Workers in the Industries of Electrical Installations, Hydraulic and Sanitary Gas of Curitiba and Metropolitan Region
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SINRIN ROREN - Japanese Federation of Forest and Wood Workers' Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SINTAICAF - National Union of Agricultural Workers, Cashew and Forestry Industry
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SINTECOMP - Trade Union of Workers in the Heavy Construction Industries of the State of Mato Grosso
Sectors: Construction
SINTEPAV-BA - Trade Union of Workers in Construction Industries of the State of Bahia
Sectors: Construction
SINTEPAV-CE - Trade Union of Workers in Heavy Construction Sector of the State of Ceará
Sectors: Construction
SINTEPAV-SE - Trade Union of Workers in Construction of Roads
Sectors: Construction
SINTICIM - National Trade Union of Workers in Civil Construction, Wood and Mining Industries
Sectors: Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
SINTICOM Botucatu - Trade Union of Workers of Building and Furniture Industries of Botucatu
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...), Wood & Forestry
SINTICOM Campinas - Trade Union of Workers of Building and Furniture Industries of the Region of Campinas
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
SINTICOM ITAPEVA - Trade Union of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industry of Itapeva
Sectors: Cement, Construction, Wood & Forestry
SINTICOMP - Trade Union of Workers in Building and Furniture Industries of Prata
Sectors: Construction
SINTRACESANLO - Trade Union Workers' of Ceramic San Lorenzo
Sectors: Construction & Materials
SINTRACIMENTO - Trade Union of Workers in the Hydraulic Tile Industry, Cement Tiles, Cement Products, Fibrocement and Armed Cement Artifacts of Curitiba and Region
Sectors: Cement, Construction & Materials
SINTRACOM Bauru - Trade Union of Workers of Building anf Furniture Industries of Bauru
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SINTRACOMCER - Union of Workers of the Construction, Extraction and Processing Industries of Wood and Furniture of Cerqueira Cesar and Region
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
SINTRACOM-CG - Trade Union Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of Campo Grande
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
SINTRACOM Dourados - Trade Union of Workers in the Building Industry of Dourados / State of Mato Grosso do Sul
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
SINTRACOM JF - Trade Union of Workers of Building and Furniture Industries of Juiz de Fora
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
SINTRACOM Londrina - Trade Union of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of Londrina
Sectors: Construction
SINTRACOM SBC - Trade Union of Workers in Buildind and Furniture Industries from São Bernardo do Campo
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
SINTRACON - Curitiba Construction and Ceramic Workers' Union of Curitiba and Metropolitan Area
Sectors: Construction
SINTRACON Francisco Beltrão - Trade Union of Workers in the Civil Construction, Pottery, Lime and Gypsum, Tile, Hydraulic Products, Cement, Artifacts, Ceramics for Construction, Marbles and Granites, Electrical, Gas, Hydraulic and Sanitary Installations, Road Construction, Pavement and Earthworks in General, Paintings, Decorations, Stretchers and Ornaments, Industrial Assemblies, Refractories and Consulting Engineering of Francisco Beltrão
Sectors: Construction
SINTRACONSMONPES - Trade Union of Building, Infrastructure and Construction Industries of the Region of Volta Redonda
Sectors: Cement, Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SINTRACON SP - Trade Union Workers in the Civil Construction Industries of São Paulo
Sectors: Construction
SINTRACONST-ES - Trade Union of Workers in Construction & Public Works of the State of Espirito Santo
Sectors: Construction
SINTRAICCCM - Trade Union of Workers' in Building Industries in Cuiabá and other cities
Sectors: Construction
SINTRAMADMÓVEIS - Trade Union of Workers in the Sawmills, Carpentry, Plywood and Laminates, Wood Fiberboard and Cladding, Woodworking Officers and Workers in the Wood, Rewind and Wicker Industries, Brooms, Curtains and Upholstery, Brushes and the like by Francisco Beltrão
Sectors: Construction
SINTRAMOG - Trade Union of Workers of Building and Furniture Industries of Mogi das Cruzes
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SINTRAPAV - PR - Trade Union of Workers in Construction of Roads and Public & Private Works of the State of Paraná
Sectors: Construction
SINTRICOMU - Trade Union of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of Umuarama
Sectors: Construction
SINTRIMMOC - Trade Union of Workers in the Industries of Madeira and Furniture of Cascavel and Region
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SINTRIVEL Cascavel - Trade Union Workers in the Civil Construction Industries of Cascavel
Sectors: Construction
SIPTU - Services Industrial Professional Technical Union
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SITICCAN-Bahia - Trade Union of Workers in the Civil Construction, Installation and Maintenance Industries of Candeias
Sectors: Construction
SITICEDPA - Union of Cement Industry & Allied Workers of Panamá
Sectors: Cement
SITICOMFLORIPA - Trade Union of Workers in the Construction Industries and Furniture of Florianòpolis and region
Sectors: Construction
SITICOP-MG - Trade Union of the Construction, Consulting Engineering and Concession Industries of the States of Minas Gerais
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SITIM Jaguariaíva - Trade Unions of Workers in the Wood, Furniture and Related Industries of Jaguariaíva
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SITRAASPE - Union of Workers of Aguas de San Pedro
Sectors: Construction
SITRAFAPESA - Trade Union Workers' from Peruana Eternit
Sectors: Construction & Materials
SITRAICP-RJ - National Trade Union of Workers in Construction Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro
Sectors: Construction
SITRAINCEHSA - Trade Union of Honduras Cement Workers
Sectors: Cement
SMART - The International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers
Sectors: Construction
SMPWKW - The Syndicate of the Ministry of Public Works
Sectors: Construction
SNIMCMA - National Trade Union of Building Materials, Wood and Allied Workers
Sectors: Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
SNSCAASC - National Trade Union of Carpenters, Bricklayers and Allied Trade Unions
Sectors: Construction
SNTBB - National Trade Union of Wood and Building Workers
Sectors: Construction & Materials
SNTBB-UTM - National Union of Building and Wood Workers
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
SNTC - BTP/CNTS - National Union of Construction Workers
Sectors: Construction & Materials, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SOCAMGLYP - Union of Tile, Mosaic, Granite, Faience Layers and Polishers
Sectors: Construction & Materials
SOE Maringá - Trade Union of Electrical Officials and Workers in the Electrical, Hydraulic, Gas and Sanitary Facilities Industries of Maringá
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SOICSCES - Union of Workers in the Construction and Allied Industries
Sectors: Construction
SOMPAR - Trade Union of Carpenters and Workers in the Sawmill, Wooden Furniture, Rattan and Willow Furniture, Brooms, Brushes, Curtains and Upholstery Industries of the State of Paraná
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SOM PONTA GROSSA - Trade Union of Officers of Marcelo de Ponta Grossa
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SOM São José dos Pinhais - Syndicate of Woodworking Officers
Sectors: Construction
SP KAHUTINDO - Indonesian Forestry and Allied Workers Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SPPNSHPSH - Independent Trade Union of Construction Workers' and Public Service of Albania
Sectors: Construction
SRGIGMS - Trade Union of Construction and Building Materials Industry Workers of Serbia
Sectors: Cement, Construction, Construction & Materials
SSH - Autonomus Trade Union of Croatia
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SSPDPRS - Trade Union of Forestry, Wood Processing and Paper of the Republic of Srpska
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SSPS - Autonomous Trade Union of Road Maintenance Workers of Serbia
Sectors: Construction
SSSPD - Forestry and Woodworking Workers' Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SSSPDP BiH - Independant Trade Union of Forestry, Wood Processing and Paper in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
STECOMA - Trade Union of Workers Company in Construction and Carpentry
Sectors: Construction & Materials, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
STICC Foz Do Iguaçu - Trade Union of Workers in the Civil Construction Industries of Iguaçu
Sectors: Construction
STICC NF - Trade Union of Workers in the Civil Construction Industries of Central North of Fluminense
Sectors: Construction & Materials
STICC-POA - Trade Union of Workers in Civil Construction Industries of Porto Alegre
Sectors: Cement, Construction
STICC-PONTA GROSSA - Trade Union Officials of the Civil Construction, Pottery, Cement, Lime and Gypsum Industries, Tiles, Hydraulics of Armed Cement Products, Ceramics for Construction, Marbles and Granites, Assemblies and Industrial Maintenance, Workers in the Electrical Installation Industries and Electrical Officers of Ponta Grossa
Sectors: Construction & Materials
STICM ARAPONGAS - Trade Union Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of Arapongas
Sectors: Construction
STICM CIANORTE - Trade Union of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of Cianorte
Sectors: Construction
STICM Guarapuava - Trade Union of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of Guarapuava
Sectors: Construction
STICM Irati - Trade Union Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of Irati/PR
Sectors: Construction
STICM Maringà - Trade Union of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of Maringá
Sectors: Construction
STICM Medianeira - Trade Union Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of Medianeira/PR
Sectors: Construction
STICM Paranaguá - Trade Union of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of Paranaguá
Sectors: Construction
STICM Paranavaí - Trade Union of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries
Sectors: Construction
STICM PATO BRANCO - Trade Union of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of Pato Branco
Sectors: Construction
STICM Telémaco Borba - Trade Union of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of Telémaco Borba
Sectors: Construction
STICM Toledo - Trade Union of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of Toledo
Sectors: Construction
STIEU - Sabah Timber Industry Employees Union
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
STIQFM-Manaus - Trade Union Workers in the chemical and pharmaceutical Industries of Manaus
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
STI Quimicas São Carlos - Trade Union of Workers in the Chemical Industries of São Carlo and region
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SUNTIMAVEN - Professional, Technician and Administrative Workers in the Wood and Allied Industries
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SUNTRACS - National Construction Industry Workers´ Union
Sectors: Construction
SUTC - Trade Union of Construction Workers El Salvador
Sectors: Construction
SUTFACAP - Trade Union of Workers of A.W. Faber Castell in Peru
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
SUTRART - Peruvian ARTESCO Workers' Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
Svenska Målareförbundet - Swedish Painters' Trade Union
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
SYNASODEFOR - SODEFOR Employees' National Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
TAMICO - Tanzania Mines and Construction Workers’ Union
Sectors: Construction & Materials
TARIM ORMAN-IS - Civil Servants' Union of Agriculture, Forestry, Husbandry and Environment Sectors
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
TCTU - Tamilnadu Congress Workers' Union
Sectors: Construction
Teollisuusliitto - Finnish Industrial Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
TEUPM - Timber Employees' Union Peninsular Malaysia
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
TIEUS - Timber Industry Employees' Union of Sarawak
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
TKTMS - Tamil Nadu Construction Workers Central Union
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
Trade Union of Building Workers and Construction Materials Industry of the Republic of Tajikistan
Sectors: Construction, Construction & Materials
TUICO - Tanzania Union of Industrial and Commercial Workers
Sectors: Cement, Construction & Materials
TWU - Timber and Wood Workers’ Union of GTUC
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
UA ZENSEN - The Japanese Federation of Textile, Chemical, Food, Commercial, Service and General Workers Union
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
UBCCECAWU - Uganda Building Construction, Civil Engineering, Cement & Allied Workers’ Union
Sectors: Cement, Construction & Materials, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...), Wood & Forestry
UFES - Union of Forestry Employees Sarawak
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
Sectors: Construction
UNATROPYT - National Union of Public Works and Transport Workers
Sectors: Construction
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
UNIFRONT - United Front for Rural, Plantation and Construction Workers
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
Sectors: Construction
UNITE - Unite the Union Construction division
Sectors: Construction
UNRISK - Union of National Research and Allied Institutes Staff of Kenya
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
UOCRA - Construction Workers of the Republic of Argentina
Sectors: Construction
UOLRA - Union Workers of Bricks Industry of the Republic of Argentina
Sectors: Construction
UPGMS - Building, Wood and Forestry Workers’ Union
Sectors: Construction, Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
USIMRA - Association of Trade Unions in the Wood Industry in the Republic of Argentina
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
USW - United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
UTB TP BSP - Building, Public Works, Wood, Sawing Workers' Union
Sectors: Construction & Materials, Wood & Forestry
VFCU - Vietnam Forestry Corporation Trade Union
Sectors: Wood & Forestry
WUSI - Workers Union of Solomon Islands
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry
YOL-IS - Turkish Union of Road, Construction and Building Workers
Sectors: Construction
ZCATWU - Zimbabwe Construction and Allied Trades Workers’ Union
Sectors: Construction & Materials
ZENKENSOREN - National Federation of Construction Workers Union
Sectors: Construction
ZEWU - Zimbabwe Energy Workers’ Union
Sectors: Others (Electrician, plumbers, etc...)
ZZ "Budowlani" - Building and Wood Workers' Trade Union
Sectors: Construction, Wood & Forestry