Webinar: Workers’ Voices on IFI-financed projects

As a response to the Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank, BWI will hold a webinar on 16 November to discuss ways to introduce active and transparent monitoring mechanisms to ensure the compliance of projects financed by international financial institutions (IFIs) to internationally-recognised and accepted labour standards.

The online event is part of BWI’s series of webinars dubbed as “Workers Voices.” 

BWI said that it is important for IFIs to generate decent jobs with adequate wages to help reduce poverty and promote prosperity for all.  It said that jobs generated from IFI-financed projects must comply with the standards set by governments, employers and trade unions, especially amidst a pandemic. BWI said that the IFIs’ development programs and projects in many developing countries must contribute in helping workers respond to the health and economic crises made worse by COVID-19. 

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