Migrant Workers' Rights

13 August 2022 16:31

FIFA 2022 World Cup: 100 days - a decent work legacy for migrant workers in Qatar?


In the 100-day countdown for a decent work legacy, the SC standards, enforcement mechanisms and implementation capacity which included the involvement of migrant workers in the process through the Workers Welfare Forums, should be enacted across the country and through all construction projects.Read more...

25 July 2022 07:30

An Indonesian migrant worker in Malaysia who was caned after being wrongly convicted for being an illegal alien was acquitted by the Tawau High Court in Sabah on 22 July.


19 July 2022 06:15

Various trade unions, human rights groups and civil society organisations closed ranks to condemn the whipping of migrant worker Sabri bin Umar at the Tawau Prison in Malaysia. The groups said that the whipping has been carried out despite a pending appeal. Read more...

15 July 2022 01:09

Doha – a federation of more than 20 Filipino community organisations in Qatar has proven once again that the spirit of ‘bayanihan’ is alive in many Filipino residents in the country, as fourteen (14) member-organisations supported and participated in the federation’s outreach program this year benefiting distressed overseas Filipino workers sheltered at Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO)’s facility.Read more...

11 July 2022 15:14

A recent public hearing organised by the Sports Committee of Germany’s federal parliament once again highlighted the challenging human rights situation in Qatar, host of this year’s World Cup.

23 May 2022 06:46

The Global Unions reiterate their commitment to pursue Global Compact on Migration (GCM) implementation strategies that promote social, racial, gender, economic and climate justice. We stand ready to work with states to advance a new social contract, and an inclusive recovery that puts people over profit. We therefore express our disappointment that the Progress Declaration on the implementation of the GCM fails to include a strong commitment to international labour standards that are fundamental to ensuring that migrant workers’ human and labour rights are respected. The Progress Declaration was adopted today by governments convened at the First UN International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) from 17-20 May.

16 May 2022 12:43

On May 17-20, the First Global Review of the UN Global Compact on Migration will take place at the United Nations, in New York. The labour movement puts forward a clear demand to Member States gathering in New York. Read more...

20 April 2022 08:52

With the closing of the Expo2020, BWI launched the report titled “Exposing the Invisible,” analysing the legacy of the Expo on the situation of migrant workers in the United Arab and Emirates’ construction sector, and the possibility of creating positive and long-lasting labour reforms in the country.Read more...

14 April 2022 07:31

BWI held a two-day forum on migrant workers’ rights and the legacy of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar at t its 2022 Global Sports Conference.Read more...