Global unions press UN to recognise Myanmar’s NUG

As the United Nations hold its 76th General Assembly, global unions join hands in calling for the recognition of Myanmar’s National Unity Government (NUG) as the legitimate government to represent the people and the state of Myanmar. 

In a 15 September statement, the global unions also demanded that multinationals observe enhanced due diligence and cut direct and associated business ties with the Myanmar military to be in line with UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. They said that divestment should be the business choice when due diligence cannot be exercised. 

The Building and Woodworkers’ International (BWI), which is also a very vocal supporter of the NUG, launched an online petition  , together with fellow global unions, calling on the UN to completely reject the military junta and recognise the NUG as the legitimate representative of the people of Myanmar in the international community. 

The said petition is currently running for the full duration of the UNGA (13-30 September) and until the report from the UNGA Credentials Committee is published and adopted.

BWI urges all its affiliates to sign the petition and give visibility to this appeal by recommending it to colleagues, union members, networks, websites, and social media platforms.