COVID 19 - Union Response

BWI on proposed TRIPS waiver on COVID-19 vaccines and medicines

31 March 2022 05:59

BWI would like to express its serious concern with the lack of progress on the proposal supported by more than 100 countries for a temporary waiver of certain provisions of the TRIPS Agreement of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) for Covid 19-related vaccines, diagnostics, therapeutics, medicines, and medical implements.


200 million workers call for universal access to COVID-19 vaccines

30 November 2021 13:12

The Council of Global Unions (CGU), representing more than 200 million workers, opposes the gross disparity between developing and developed countries in terms of equitable access and distribution of COVID-19 health products and technologies, including vaccines, diagnostics, devices, personal protective equipment, and drugs.


Pakistani union wins COVID-19 wages for workers in WB-funded project

22 November 2021 15:01

BWI’s trade union affiliate in Pakistan won additional wages for workers employed at the World Bank-funded Tarbela Dam project in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.


BWI: End vaccine inequality

08 November 2021 13:38

BWI urges the United Nations, international multilateral agencies, international finance institutions and governments to provide resources and create policy space to ensure that all people, wherever they are in the world have equal access to vaccinations for protection against the COVID-19 infection and that they widen the recognition to include as many of the available vaccines globally.


European women workers extract digital lessons amidst COVID-19

04 November 2021 10:26

The European Regional Women’s Committee (ERWC) held its annual stator meeting online on 26 October and extracted valuable lessons on how women workers can respond to the pandemic.


Unions maximise social dialogue vs. COVID-19

07 October 2021 01:23

Trade unionists from Faber-Castell and Klabin SA in Brazil on 21 September discussed the merits of social dialogue between trade unions and employers to promote common interests, especially in the time of COVID-19.


South America: Trade unions bring vaccines to workers

01 October 2021 07:39

As part of the global effort to ensure wide access to COVID-19 vaccines, BWI-affiliated unions in South America partnered with their respective health ministries to promote vaccination to their members.


India: Thousands of workers protest public fund misuse, politicised COVID-19 response

27 September 2021 05:02

More than 10,000 workers stormed the streets of Bengaluru in India on 20 September 2021 to protest the misuse of public funds under the Karnataka Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board (BOCW).


BWI on the Tokyo Olympics’ handling of COVID-19 and workers’ rights

22 July 2021 06:51

The Building and Woodworkers’ International (BWI), representing 12 million workers worldwide, adds its voice in urging the organisers of the Tokyo Olympics to seriously reconsider holding the international sporting event as a response to the emergence of the deadly Delta variant and Japan’s declaration of a new COVID-19 state of emergency covering the duration of the Olympics.


BWI expresses concern over South Africa’s violent unrest amidst pandemic

19 July 2021 07:25

Amidst South Africa’s attempt to contain the spread of COVID-19, the country was rocked by massive public unrest and violence allegedly triggered by the imprisonment of former President Jacob Zuma, who was charged with 16 cases of fraud, graft and racketeering.


General Secretary Report 2021 (Spanish and Portuguese subtitles)

03 June 2021 06:03

Leading to BWI's World Council Meetings on 7-8 June, we are happy to release the Spanish and Portuguese versions of the BWI General Secretary Report for 2021.


Finland: New COVID-19 risk assessment instructions for construction sites

29 April 2021 13:04

The Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT, the Finnish Construction Trade Union, Trade Union Pro and RAKLI have partnered with the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Ministry of the Environment in developing new instructions for employers to conduct risk assessment of COVID-19 infections at construction sites and other similar workplaces.


BWI General Secretary Report 2021

26 April 2021 08:10

BWI General Secretary Ambet Yuson reports on how trade unions have become "beacons of hope" amidst a global health crisis. He outlines BWI's call for safe and efficient vaccines for all workers, decent jobs and wages, and a sustainable, progressive and worker-responsive economic recovery program to not only to win the battle against COVID-19, but also win the war for a new and better world.


BWI Workers’ Voices Webinar 9: Workers' Agenda and Actions for Pandemic Recovery

20 April 2021 12:08

The pandemic revealed further the inequality and rights deficits around the world. As the world starts to plan and implement recovery programs, it cannot be business as usual. Building back better for a fair and sustainable future is the call of the workers’ movement.


Africa and Middle East: Young workers fight COVID-19

12 April 2021 01:13

BWI’s young trade unionists from Africa and the Middle East banded together to collectively respond to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.


BWI releases global COVID-19 report, pushes for a 5-point recovery agenda

31 March 2021 06:20

By documenting BWI’s various and innovative COVID-19 efforts worldwide, we hope to share our best practices to nurture a learning environment, identify and fill knowledge gaps, and inspire other trade unions to do the same. This is BWI's humble offering in the fight against this pandemic.


Video: COVID-19 is an occupational disease

19 March 2021 11:29

BWI, together with UNI and PSI, is happy to extend its help and support to the ASEAN Services Employees Trade Union Council (ASETUC) in preparing this campaign video on the need to classify COVID-19 as an occupational disease.


Histadrut rolls out vaccines for Palestinian workers

17 March 2021 04:10

Following the Israeli government's directive to provide vaccines to approximately 100,000 Palestinian workers employed in the country’s construction industry, Histadrut organised a vaccine pilot rollout on 4 March at Sha'ar Ephraim.


Guidance for trade unions on COVID-19

05 February 2021 02:42

As new COVID-19 variants emerge amidst the world’s continuing efforts to control the pandemic, BWI has released a practical health and safety guidebook to assist trade unions on how to work safely during the pandemic.


Additional COVID-19 measures in Germany’s construction industry

17 January 2021 01:32

IG BAU, the Central Association of the German Construction Industry and the Main Association of the German Construction Industry have all agreed to implement additional preventive measures to provide construction workers more protection against COVID-19.


BWI Youth Music Video: Workers in the time of COVID-19

14 December 2020 05:44

Young trade unionists from BWI Africa and the Middle East channled their musical talents and creativity by offering this beautiful music video that draws attention to the situation of workers in the region amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.


Young unionists: Build “shields” vs. anti-labour policies

07 December 2020 00:31

BWI’s young trade union leaders in Europe called for the building of more political and economic “shields” to protect workers from a new wave of anti-labour policies as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Unions want workers’ mental health prioritised

04 December 2020 13:40

“There can be no health without mental health.” This was the message of a webinar organised by BWI in Africa and the Middle East on the psychological effects of COVID-19 to workers last 30 November.


Young people call for stronger unionism amidst COVID-19

02 December 2020 12:55

Young people from Africa and the Middle East are calling for stronger trade unionism and social dialogue mechanisms to combat the negative effects of COVID-19 on their health and employment.


The future of work: Unions discuss new CBA strategies

12 November 2020 10:32

“Begging or bargaining?” This was the question collectively asked by trade unionists who participated in BWI’s latest “Workers’ Voices” webinar last 9 November which tackled the future of wages and employment amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.


Brazilian unions release COVID-19 protocols for construction workers

16 September 2020 04:27

BWI’s Brazilian construction union affiliates and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES)-Brazil released a COVID-19 protocol document that will help trade union leaders in their collective bargaining negotiations and campaign efforts as they try to protect the health and safety of their members from the pandemic.


Brazilian unions design COVID-19 protocols for construction and wood sector

28 August 2020 03:26

In preparation for Brazil’s reopening of the construction and wood sector in several states, 30 trade union leaders from 25 unions participated in a workshop organised by BWI in Latin America and the Caribbean this month.


COVID-19 worsens plight of Ukrainian migrant workers

26 August 2020 04:39

With the COVID-19 pandemic worsening the plight of many Ukrainian migrant workers in EU countries, PROFBUD, the construction workers union of Ukraine held a multi-stakeholder conference on 19 August in Odessa to discuss and address the situation.


Zimbabwe: Union signs historic agreement on health and safety vs. COVID-19

24 August 2020 14:21

The BWI-affiliated General Agriculture and Plantation Workers Union of Zimbabwe (GAPWUZ) signed an agreement with its government enforcing an occupational safety, health and environment regulation in the agriculture and timber sectors.


BWI supports urgent justice mechanism for pandemic-affected migrant workers

24 July 2020 05:38

To address the plight of millions of migrant workers who have been repatriated or are awaiting repatriation as a result of pandemic-induced unemployment, BWI endorsed the call of a coalition of civil society organisations (CSOs) and trade unions for an “urgent justice mechanism” to respond to the migrant crisis.


New normal: Amplifying young voices

22 July 2020 13:34

Global Unions have joined together to amplify the voices of young workers during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic in a series of two webinars.


TARIM ORMAN-IS holds training to combat rising work-related deaths in forestry

21 July 2020 04:19

Responding to the high number of work-related fatalities in the forestry sector, the Civil Servants’ Union of Agriculture, Forestry, Husbandry and Environment Sectors (TARIM ORMAN-IS) held an occupational health and safety (OHS) training to 45 rural forest workers on 18 July in a forest village in Northern Turkey.


Spanish unions release COVID-19 action guide

20 July 2020 10:29

The Federation of Industry, Construction and Agriculture of the General Union of Workers (UGT-FICA), Federation of Construction and Services (CCOO) and the National Construction Confederation (CNC) recently released a “COVID-19 Guide for Action” to aid the construction industry in implementing health and safety measures at workplaces.


Migrant workers amplify voices online

20 July 2020 00:31

Amidst a pandemic that has negatively impacted migrant workers around the world, BWI organised a global webinar on 8 July to deliberate their struggles and issues. The online event titled “Empowering Migrant Voices” was attended by more than 130 participants comprised of migrant workers, trade union leaders and representatives from organisations working on the issue of international migration.


American and Canadian unions work to protect jobs, wages and migrant workers

15 July 2020 02:29

As the pandemic continues its rampage in North America, BWI-affiliated trade unions launched numerous initiatives to protect the jobs and wages of their members and workers in general. This was fully chronicled in BWI’s COVID-19 News Brief on North America.


Majority of Argentina’s brick factories affected by COVID-19

13 July 2020 09:50

Argentina’s lockdown measures affected 75 percent of its brick factories and the payment of wages to workers. This is one of the major findings of a report released by the Union Workers of Bricks Industry of the Republic of Argentina (UOLRA), a BWI affiliated organization, on COVID-19 and the brick industry.


Chile: Migrant workers benefit from BWI’s COVID-19 Solidarity Initiative

10 July 2020 04:30

According to Trade Union of Workers, a BWI-affiliated union in the Biobío region of Chile, 120 people from 25 migrant worker families, originally from Venezuela and Colombia who came to Chile to work in the timber industry, received bags of food, groceries and medicines.


BWI: Construction could lead in post-COVID-19 recovery

09 July 2020 05:06

BWI affiliates in the Africa and MENA region said that the construction industry can be a possible leader in the post-COVID-19 economic recovery.


250 young unionists energise webinar

08 July 2020 15:02

250 young unionists attended and brought youthful energy to a webinar organised by BWI, together with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Education International (EI), The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF), International Transport workers’ Federation (ITF), IndustriAll, Public Services International (PSI) and UNI on 6 July. Titled “COVID-19: Amplifying youth voices,” the webinar is the first in a series of webinars for young trade unionists.


General Secretary’s Report 2020

08 July 2020 04:09

BWI General Secretary Ambet Yuson reports on the global union’s analysis of the triple crisis confronted by workers worldwide, the various initiatives undertaken by affiliates, the role of the working class amidst the pandemic and ways forward to a better future.


BWI launches COVID-19 declaration and General Secretary Report

07 July 2020 09:26

BWI launched its Declaration on COVID-19 dubbed as Building a Better Future: Organising for Resiliency in a time of Adversity. BWI also launched the General Secretary’s Report in a series of short videos discussing the global union’s analysis of the crisis, the role of workers amidst the pandemic and ways forward to a more progressive post-crisis world.


BWI's COVID-19 Solidarity Initiative felt in Serbia

06 July 2020 12:40

The Trade Union of Workers in Construction and Industry of Building Materials of Serbia (SRGIGMS), with the help of BWI’s COVID-19 Solidarity Initiative, provided workers employed at the brick factory Ltd. Sloga IGM in Novi Pazar, Serbia personal protective equipment (PPE) to help them ensure their good health and safety even as they continue their work during the pandemic.


Turkish union prompts companies to implement high-level COVID-19 measures

03 July 2020 12:28

The Turkish Cement, Pottery and Glass Workers’ Union (CIMSE-IS) got the commitment of several companies to implement high-level health and safety measures in their workplaces to protect workers from the COVID-19 pandemic.


BWI’s COVID-19 Solidarity Fund reaches Guatemala

03 July 2020 11:52

With the help of BWI’s COVID-19 Solidarity Fund, the National Trade Union of Construction and Services of Guatemala (SINCS-G) was able to provide food and medical assistance to 50 of the most vulnerable working families under its care and supervision.


BWI Malaysian unions assist migrant workers in wood and forestry

01 July 2020 01:42

BWI affiliates in Malaysia’s wood processing and furniture sectors have provided humanitarian assistance to workers based in Kuala Lumpur (Peninsula Malaysia) and Sabah, as the country emerges from its lockdown dubbed by the government as “movement control order.”


Philippine union’s COVID-19 relief leads to membership growth

01 July 2020 01:38

The National Union of Building and Construction Workers (NUBCW) efforts to distribute food packs to stranded construction workers in Manila due to the COVID-19 pandemic has gained it new union members.


BWI: Ready social protection measures on migration crisis

29 June 2020 13:25

BWI General Secretary Ambet Yuson urged labour-sending countries to prepare for a migrant crisis and ready social protection measures as millions of unemployed migrant workers are expected to return home to their countries due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


CBA nowhere in sight in Germany’s construction industry

29 June 2020 11:15

A collective bargaining agreement covering 850,000 workers in Germany’s construction industry was not reached after three rounds of negotiations between unions and employers ended on 25 June.


BWI releases full Pan-Europe report on COVID-19, calls for new economic model

18 June 2020 03:16

BWI released its full COVID-19 Report covering the Pan-Europe region. The report gave a comprehensive situationer of the region, the challenges faced by trade unions and workers in general, different initiatives mounted by affiliates to respond and adapt to new realities, and strategic proposals, such as imagining a new economic model to fit the new normal world of work.


Brazilian unions: We’re facing a double pandemic

10 June 2020 13:31

“A double pandemic.” This was how Brazilian trade unions described their current situation as they confront the unprecedented challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and President Jair Bolsonaro’s troubled governance.


Brazilian unionists initiate COVID-19 dialogue with state governor

10 June 2020 07:55

The Trade Union of Workers in the Civil Construction of Porto Alegre (STICC-POA), a BWI affiliated organization in Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul State, has initiated a bipartite social dialogue process with State Governor Eduardo Leite to identify and define future joint actions and points of cooperation on the reopening of the construction sector amidst COVID-19.


Peruvian forest workers to undergo COVID-19 biosafety trainings

10 June 2020 07:36

The National Federation of Wood Industry Workers of Peru (FENATIMAP), an organization affiliated with the ICM, has reported the opening of a national training program for forest workers and technicians on the use of biosafety elements and attention protocols, as part of Peru’s preventive measures against COVID-19 in the wood sector.


Bahrain union warns of massive worker dismissals

08 June 2020 10:48

The General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions (GFBTU) warned of massive worker dismissals using the pandemic as a convenient excuse after it received several complaints from both Bahraini and non-Bahraini workers that their companies plan to terminate them after the COVID-19 support period.


BWI challenges WHO on COVID-19 advice for workplaces

06 June 2020 12:43

The BWI raised issues with the World Health Organisation (WHO) on the advice the WHO issued for workplaces about COVID-19 that were prepared and issued without any inputs from trade unions on how to prevent the spread of the virus in the workplace. The BWI urged WHO to rethink its advice on physical distancing in the workplace which undermines policies and regulations to minimize the risk of transmission of COVID-19 at work that have been agreed with trade unions in several countries.


BWI releases full Asia Pacific report on COVID-19

03 June 2020 08:08

BWI has released on Wednesday its full COVID-19 report on Asia Pacific covering the situation of the region’s different countries and the wide array of initiatives and interventions done by trade union affiliates.


Ukrainian construction workers suffer from massive job and income losses

03 June 2020 04:30

As Eastern European countries started to gradually ease their lockdown and quarantine measures, the negative impact of COVID-19 on construction workers is put on centerstage.


Decent work for people with disabilities pushed amidst COVID-19

02 June 2020 12:16

The BWI in Latin America and the Caribbean, together with its trade union affiliates, the Union of Construction Workers (SUNTRACS) of Panama and the Construction Workers Union of the Republic of Argentina (UOCRA), pledged their support to promote decent work for people with disabilities (PWDs) amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.


Social dialogue, collective bargaining stand out in BWI COVID-19 webinar

02 June 2020 09:55

Social dialogue, collective bargaining and tripartite agreements are some of the key union tactics that stood out on BWI’s latest “How are you?” COVID-19 webinar last 27 May participated by 40 trade unionists from 15 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Rwandan union maximises communication platforms to reach out

02 June 2020 08:55

The Union of Construction, Carpentry and Craft Enterprises Workers in Rwanda (STECOMA) has maximsed different communication platforms and technologies to reach out to it members and continue its important trade union work despite the physical challenges imposed by the COVID-19 lockdown.


57 Brazilian construction workers die due to COVID-19

02 June 2020 06:48

BWI and its affiliate, the Construction Workers Trade Union of São Paulo (Sintracon-SP), have reported that 57 construction workers have died in São Paulo, Brazil due to COVID-19. The tragic news came as the construction industry, classified as an essential activity by the government, continues to operate throughout the lockdown, with many worksites suffering from poor health and safety conditions.


Burkina Faso: Women stone crushers vulnerable to COVID-19

02 June 2020 05:33

Women are one of the hardest hit sectors by the COVID-19 pandemic. In Burkina Faso, women stone crushers bear the brunt of the economic strain caused by the health crisis. Many workers in the construction sector, particularly women, are retrenched due to the termination of several construction projects in the country. The BWI-affiliated Building and Wood Workers’ Federation of Faso (FTBBF), which is organising the women stone crushers, said that many of them are informal workers, who are extremely vulnerable to the economic impact of COVID-19.


200 unionists join BWI’s South Asian webinar on COVID-19

01 June 2020 04:30

The South Asian leg of BWI’s series of online conversations on COVID-19 and the world of work on 27 May was warmly received, with nearly 200 trade unionists from India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka joining the webinar. The online event was also attended by BWI General Secretary Ambet Yuson, BWI Asia Pacific Vice Presidents Dave Noonan and R.C. Khuntia and BWI Regional Women’s Committee Member Smritee Lama.


Senegal union’s dialogue with company secures more protection for workers

28 May 2020 07:37

As a result of its dialogue with Eiffage Senegal, a civil engineering company, the National Union of Construction Workers (SNTC/BTP) strengthened its initiatives to protect workers from the COVID-19 pandemic.


Migrant workers protest despite no worker rights

27 May 2020 13:41

With the COVID-19 pandemic mutating from a health crisis into a global economic crisis, workers from different parts of the world are pushing back to protect their health, jobs and incomes.


ILO C190 pushed to address COVID-19 violence against women

26 May 2020 12:54

On 22 May, fifteen women trade union leaders, officials and activists from BWI’s European affiliates, including BWI General Secretary Ambet Yuson, met online to discuss the challenges women face in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis.


Philippine unions fight wage and benefit cuts, rights castration

24 May 2020 08:52

The Associated Labor Unions-Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (ALU-TUCP)
condemned several policies issued by the Department of Labor and Employment’s (DOLE) in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, which it said cut workers’ wages and benefits, and suspend labour rights.


Turkish forest workers stop forced collection of COVID-19 donations

22 May 2020 13:49

The Civil Servants’ Union of Agriculture, Forestry, Husbandry and Environment Sectors (TARIM ORMAN-IS) opposed moves by Turkey’s General Directorate of Forestry to unilaterally cut workers’ salaries as part of the government’s COVID-19 donation campaign. It said that workers, especially union members, who refused to contribute to the campaign were threatened by managers.


Namibian union binds company to agreement on workers’ safety and wages

21 May 2020 12:19

The Metal and Allied Namibian Workers Union (MANWU) on 9 May negotiated an agreement with Chinese Company, Shanxi Construction Investment regarding strict compliance to occupational, health and safety standards and wage laws. Both parties agreed that the monitoring of the agreement will start two weeks after the signing.


Pan European unions: Maximise opportunities opened by COVID-19

20 May 2020 10:17

On 18 of May, BWI affiliates from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine came together for an online conversation on COVID-19 and the world of work. The meeting was facilitated by BWI General Secretary Ambet Yuson and BWI Regional Vice President Johan Lindholm.


BWI holds second “how are you?” COVID-19 webinar

18 May 2020 01:43

On 12 May, BWI held its second “How are you?” online conversation on COVID-19 and the world of work. The webinar brought together trade union leaders, officials, and activists from 11 Western European countries. It was opened by BWI Deputy Presidents Gail Cartmail and Dietmar Schäfers. Participants were recognised by BWI Regional Vice President Johan Lindholm, while BWI General Secretary Ambet Yuson summarised the main points of the discussion.


BWI launches COVID-19 Solidarity Initiative

15 May 2020 14:31

Facing an “economic tsunami” that has already decimated millions of jobs worldwide due to COVID-19, BWI launched on Monday the COVID-19 Solidarity Initiative to help prepare affiliates cushion the ill-effects of the pandemic.


BWI releases regional reports on COVID-19

15 May 2020 14:09

BWI on Friday released four (4) regional reports from the Africa-MENA, Asia-Pacific, Pan-Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean on its affiliates’ various responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.


BWI holds its first online conversations

15 May 2020 10:28

BWI Africa and Middle East held its first “How are you?” COVID-19 online conversations on 5 May. Forty (40) unionists, (9) of whom were women, from Africa Anglophone speaking countries participated in the online event. BWI’s Regional and Global Team and partners in Africa namely, Bastian Schultz and Iris Nothofer from FES, Ole-Kristian Paulsen from Industri Energi, Simião Simbine from SASK and Hope Kabuchu from FNV) also joined the discussion.


Turkish cement union opens facility to health workers

14 May 2020 09:47

The Cement, Ceramics, Pottery and Glass Industry Workers' Union (CIMSE-IS) has opened its hotel in Ankara, Turkey to health care workers who cannot go home for fear of infecting their families with COVID-19.


Arab women among most vulnerable to COVID-19

14 May 2020 06:32

COVID-19 knows no race, gender and age. However, the impact of the pandemic is much greater on working women than men in the Arab region.


Finnish union fears new waves of COVID-19 with borders reopening

13 May 2020 13:11

Rakennusliitto, the Finnish Construction Workers’ Union, is concerned about the risk of exposure to COVID-19 on job sites and in accommodations and a possible “second wave” if the country is re-opened to Schengen countries as scheduled on 14 May. They argue that there are not yet strong, effective health and safety protections for construction workers.


Chilean unions monitor OHS standards amidst pandemic

13 May 2020 08:22

The Confederation of Forest Workers (CTF) of Chile, the Federation of MASISA Workers (FETRAMAS) and the National Federation of Industrial Trade Unions of ARAUCO (FENASID) said that they were able to secure the workers’ safe transportation, reduce common spaces, improve occupational hygiene measures and ensure the non-reduction of wages, even for those who were given teleworking options, during the COVID-19 lockdown.


Indian construction union holds COVID-19 webinar

13 May 2020 08:10

On 9 May, the BWI-affiliated Bandhkam Mazdoor Sangathan (BMS) organised a webinar titled “Construction workers’ safety, health and welfare in the context of COVID 19” in Gujarat, a western state of India.


South Asian unions commemorate International Workers’ Memorial Day

12 May 2020 15:29

Twenty-five trade unions from India, Nepal and Bangladesh joined the yearly event to send a strong message that unions stand in solidarity with workers amidst a global health crisis.


Netherlands: Union concerned COVID-19 protocols not followed

11 May 2020 09:20

In a survey it conducted with more than a thousand workers, BWI-affiliated FNV Bouwen en Wonen reported that COVID-19 health and safety protocols are not strictly observed in the construction industry.


Pakistani union reaches agreement covering workers at World Bank-funded Tarbela Dam

09 May 2020 05:49

Pakistani union reaches agreement covering workers at the World Bank-funded Tarbela Dam

With the Pakistani government recognising the construction sector as an essential industry vital to keep the economy afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic, construction work fully resumed in many parts of Pakistan.


Latin American and the Caribbean unions maximise ICT opportunities

08 May 2020 10:10

The Latin American and Caribbean union leaders met online to define future trade union actions amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The leaders agreed to devise tactics to continue their trade union work despite the lockdowns and paralysis of many industries.


Venezuelan union secures incomes and benefits amidst lockdown

08 May 2020 10:07

The National Trade Union of Professional, Technician and Administrative Workers in the Wood and Allied Industries of Venezuela (SUNTIMAVEN) has reached an agreement with Masisa, a wood products company, to secure the incomes and benefits of its workers as provided by their collective bargaining agreement amidst a COVID-19 lockdown.


Latin American and Caribbean young workers talk about COVID-19

08 May 2020 04:51

On 24 April, a group of young trade union leaders from BWI-affiliated unions in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) held a virtual meeting to discuss the effects of COVID-19 in their countries.


Tanzanian union inspects COVID-19 measures at cement plants

07 May 2020 09:04

As part of its commitment to promote occupational health and safety (OHS) standards, the Tanzania Union of Industrial and Commercial Workers (TUICO) conducted visits to two cement production plants, Fortune Cement Company Ltd. in Pwani Region, Tanzania Mainland where over 80 percent of the workers are TUICO members, and the Tanzania Portland Cement Plc (Twiga Cement), owned by the Heidelberg Cement Group.


Namibian union discusses COVID-19 impact on workers

07 May 2020 08:57

Justina Jonas-Emvula, General Secretary of the Metal and Allied Namibian Workers’ Union ( MANWU) and member of the BWI World Board, participated in a panel discussion aired live on television and radio wherein she shared the impact of COVID-19 on Namibia’s construction workers. She was invited by the General Secretaries of Domestic workers and Informal traders.


Indian unions submit 10-point demand to government amidst lockdown extension

03 May 2020 07:25

The Indian government is extending the world’s biggest COVID-19 lockdown by two weeks starting 4 May due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the country. This has given rise to a number of challenges, especially for workers in the informal sector, many of whom have lost theirs means of livelihood due to the economic slowdown.


Caribbean unions push for workplace audit

02 May 2020 05:00

At a time when many employers are shutting down their operations, placing workers on remote work or paid leave and prioritising physical distancing, BWI affiliates in Jamaica and Bermuda are closely monitoring COVID-19-related labour issues.


Panama: SUNTRACS negotiates new deal for construction workers

02 May 2020 04:55

After the Panamanian construction companies failed to fully comply with the terms of agreement they signed with SUNTRACS for the last six weeks, the union negotiated new guidelines with the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development (MITRADEL) and Panamanian Chamber of Construction (CAPAC) to ensure the income of construction workers who are currently not working as a result of the industry shutdown since 20 March.


Blockade of Cuba hinders COVID-19 response

01 May 2020 03:42

The National Trade Union of Construction Workers of Cuba (SNTC) has denounced the continuing economic blockade imposed by the United States, especially during a health crisis. In 2019, for the 28th consecutive year, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for an end to the economic, commercial and financial embargo against Cuba.


May Day Message: Worker power is in the union

30 April 2020 19:09

This International Workers Day, the BWI recognises all frontline workers among them are building , construction and forestry workers playing an important role to support essential services. There are many workers that are going out every day, risking exposure to COVID-19 and some paying the ultimate price with their lives, to keep vital production and supply chains running, including medical supplies and food.


NUM seeks to protect workers as lockdown eased in South Africa

30 April 2020 08:40

The South African government is set to gradually ease the economy back into activity as announced on 23 April by President Cyril Ramaphosa.


Mauritius: CMWEU aids unpaid and COVID-19-vulnerable workers

30 April 2020 07:26

The Construction Workers’ Union of Mauritius (CMWEU) and CTSP came to the aid of 44 unpaid and COVID-19-vulnerable Indian migrant workers employed by Swadeshi Pvt Ltd, an Indian construction company in Mauritius.


Indian unions hold webinar with employers, assess impact of COVID-19 in construction

28 April 2020 07:39

BWI affiliate Thamizhaga Kattida Thozhilalargal Madhiya Sangam (TKTMS) in Tamil Nadu State organised a webinar with the Construction and Real Estate Industry Coalition (CRIC) last 25 April to discuss the issues faced by the construction sector amidst the spread of COVID-19 in the State.


Southeast Europe: Unions meet online, join BWI’s Workers’ Memorial Day campaign

28 April 2020 07:30

On 16 April, trade union leaders of BWI affiliates from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia held a virtual meeting to discuss the issues faced by workers resulting from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. They committed to participate in BWI’s “protect workers, stop COVI-19” global campaign on the occasion of the International Workers’ Memorial Day on 28 February. The unions are using social media to disseminate information and raise health and safety awareness among workers regarding the health crisis.


BWI cooperation with Supreme Committee for Legacy and Delivery continues despite COVID-19

28 April 2020 03:06

Unable to conduct joint inspections on the ground, BWI held an online meeting earlier in April 2020 with the Qatar’s Supreme Committee of Delivery and Legacy in charge of infrastructure projects related to the 2022 FIFA World Cup to seek cooperation on efforts to protect migrant construction workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Council of Global Unions wants COVID-19 categorized as occupational disease

27 April 2020 15:27

The International Workers Memorial Day statement of the Council of Global Unions Coinciding with the on 28 April, BWI joins other global unions to call for COVID-19 to be recognised as an occupational disease.


Nepalese unions unite against COVID-19

27 April 2020 12:16

Amidst an ongoing lockdown in Nepal, the BWI affiliate, Central Union of Painters, Plumbers, Electro and Construction Workers (CUPPEC), took several actions to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on workers and their families.


Malaysian unions call on government and employers to do more to protect workers, stop COVID-19

27 April 2020 11:41

The Cement Industry Employees Union (CIEU), Malayan Technical Services Union (MTSU), Malay Forest Officers Union (MFOU), PKNS Employees Union (PKNS), Sabah Timber Industry Employees Union (STIEU), Timber Employees Union of Peninsula Malaysia (TEUPM), Timber Industry Employees Union of Sarawak (TIEUS), Union of Employees in the Construction Industry (UECI) and Union of Forestry Employees of Sarawak (UFES) have called on the government and employers to do more to protect workers as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to put workers’ lives at risk.


BWI launches 'protect workers, stop COVID-19 video

27 April 2020 10:28

As part of BWI's week-long campaign to mark the International Workers' Memorial Day on 28 April, we prepared a short video on how unions and workers can protect their health and safety against COVID-19. 


Philippine unions call for faster and better aid to workers amid lockdown extension

27 April 2020 08:13

The Federation of Free Workers (FFW) and the Nagkaisa Labour Coalition called on the government to augment and expedite aid to workers after an extended lockdown lasting until 15 May was imposed on key areas in Luzon to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


Women need equal, safe and inclusive workplaces during pandemic

25 April 2020 12:31

Saying that the COVID-19 pandemic is deepening existing inequalities, particularly among working women, the BWI European Regional Women’s Committee (ERWC) held an online meeting and released a statement calling on governments, employers and all stakeholders to overcome the crisis, with the goal to build more equal, safe and inclusive workplaces and societies.


Unions from Central Asia and Eastern Europe prepare for International Workers’ Memorial Day

24 April 2020 13:03

On 22 April 22, trade union leaders from Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine held a virtual meeting to discuss their participation in BWI’s workers’ memorial week campaign.


Singapore: Unions extend assistance to migrant worker dormitories

24 April 2020 09:29

The Singapore National Trades Union Congress (SNTUC) and Migrant Workers’ Centre (MWC) furthered their concerted efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 particularly amongst migrant workers and those living in dormitories.


Time to hear our youth!

24 April 2020 08:35

The BWI International Youth Committee (IYC) held its first online meeting on 15 April and released a statement on COVID19’s devastating economic effect on young workers.


Palestinian union calls for improved health and safety at workplaces 

24 April 2020 07:58

The BWI-affiliated Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) made an urgent appeal to Israeli employers to ensure the decent working conditions of Palestinian workers employed in their labour market and settlements.


INDIA: BWI CHILD LEARN schools offered as COVID-19 facilities

24 April 2020 02:40

BWI affiliates in India have offered their CHILD LEARN school buildings as possible COVID-19 facilities to the government as part of their commitment and solidarity to help contain the spread of the pandemic.


BWI General Secretary and Chair of BWI Cement group on LafargeHolcim

23 April 2020 19:25

BWI General Secretary and Chair of BWI Cement group on LafargeHolcim


BWI International Women's Committee (IWC) President Rita Schiavi on the new meaning of solidarity

23 April 2020 17:49

BWI International Women's Committee (IWC) President Rita Schiavi on the new meaning of solidarity in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and her tribute to Jin Sook Lee, whom she described as a powerful activist and a good friend.


Mexican tripartite response needed to protect employment during pandemic

23 April 2020 14:10

The International Confederation of Workers (CIT) highlighted the need for a tripartite response, comprised of the government, unions and employers, to protect employment during the COVID-19 crisis.


Latin American unions use IFA to secure jobs and income

23 April 2020 14:06

Faber-Castell trade union leaders from Brazil and Peru held an online meeting to assess the situation on the ground amid the global spread of COVID-19. BWI and German multinational Faber-Castell have an International Framework Agreement (IFA).


Colombian unions tackle status of construction work

23 April 2020 11:56

As part of BWI’s week-long campaign to mark the International Workers’ Memorial Day (IWMD) on 28 April, the Coordination Board of the Intergremial of Workers of the Construction and Wood Industry of Colombia (INTERGREMIAL) held its first online meeting to share and discuss perspectives on the current status of construction work amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


Philippines: Unions urge government to assist 1 million stranded construction workers

22 April 2020 09:36

The Nagkaisa Labour Coalition urged the Department of Labour and Employment (DOLE) to extend immediate support and assistance to about 1 million Filipino construction workers who were stranded and left behind by their employers in construction sites shut down since the start of the country’s COVID-19 lockdown on 15 March.


Gulf governments urged to protect migrant workers during COVID-19 pandemic

21 April 2020 14:14

BWI, together with a coalition of trade unions and civil society organizations, asked the Arab states of the Persian Gulf for their strong commitment to provide adequate protection and support to migrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The region is highly dependent on migrant labour for its workforce, the vast majority of whom come from poor communities in South Asia, South-East Asia and East Africa that rely heavily on remittances.


Japanese government expands support to workers

21 April 2020 10:55

As part of its overall response to the COVID-19 pandemic, BWI affiliate Sinrin Roren reports that the Japanese government has expanded its subsidy program to provide companies with additional financial support to secure the employment and incomes of their workers.


Italian trade unions’ response to COVID-19

21 April 2020 04:25

Les syndicats italiens ont dû négocier avec les employeurs et le gouvernement pour mettre en place des mesures, sans précédent, afin de résoudre les problèmes sociaux et économiques liés au confinement, alors que la crise du COVID-19 s'est rapidement étendue en Italie, qui n'était pas préparée à l'épidémie et a complètement submergé son système de santé.


Belgium: Social partners in construction sector conclude agreement during pandemic

20 April 2020 07:55

BWI Belgian affiliates welcomed an agreement reached with social partners in the construction sector last 15 April 2020. The agreement provides that the rules of social distancing in workplaces remain important and a priority. Workers will also have the right to decline an employer's request to work if a worksite has one or more cases of COVID-19 or if a worker can demonstrate that she or he is part of a group at risk.


BWI: Protect workers, stop COVID-19 

20 April 2020 02:18

As the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic, the Building and Woodworkers' International (BWI) will mark the International Workers' Memorial Day on 28 April with a week-long campaign on workers' health and safety starting on Monday. 


President Trump’s action against WHO is irresponsible

19 April 2020 03:48

The WHO and other international bodies should not be immune to criticism. That is also true of national governments and regional bodies. They should all work better, but that means participation, support and construction, not destruction.


FES interview: BWI General Secretary Ambet Yuson on Qatar and COVID-19

17 April 2020 13:49

Albert Yuson, General Secretary of the Building and Woodworkers' International (BWI), gives insights into the situation in Qatar.


Message of Crecentia Mofokeng on behalf of BWI Africa & Middle East region

16 April 2020 20:04

On behalf of BWI Africa & Middle East region, the regional Presidium, the AFRECO members; the secretariat, all affiliates and its leadership on my own behalf, extend our sincerest solidarity and support to all leaders defending the safety and health of workers in different countries to mitigate the impact of Corona virus Pandemic,


Argentina: UOCRA launches health protocol to prevent COVID-19

16 April 2020 12:11

The Construction Workers Union of the Republic of Argentina (UOCRA), a BWI-affiliated trade union, recently launched a new health protocol (Covid-19 Protocol of Practical Recommendations) designed for Argentina’s construction industry. The protocol was put up with the help of the Argentine Chamber of Construction (CAC), and includes protection and prevention practices against COVID-19 issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the country’s Ministry of Health.


Guatemala: Government authorizes unpaid layoffs

16 April 2020 12:04

The National Trade Union of Construction and Services of Guatemala (SINCS-G), a BWI affiliated trade union, has reported that the Guatemalan Ministry of Labor and Social Security has recently approved Ministerial Agreement 140-2020, which authorizes employers to perform full employment contracts suspensions in all industries and allows suspensions to take place without compensation payments for workers.


Brazil: Billions to prevent construction shutdown and layoffs

16 April 2020 11:58

The BWI affiliate, Construction and Ceramic Workers’ Union of Curitiba and Metropolitan Region (SINTRACON Curitiba) welcomed news that CAIXA, a public bank, intends to inject an additional BRL 43 billion (USD 8.2 billion) to the real estate sector.


Senegal: SNTC welcomes income guarantees for workers

16 April 2020 03:11

The BWI-affiliated National Union of Building and Construction Workers ( SNTC/BTP) welcomed the government’s announcement on 3 April to ban layoffs and guarantee the incomes of workers made redundant during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Poland: Trade unions call on govt to extend support to workers

16 April 2020 03:05

BWI affiliates in Poland urged the government to take serious measures to secure workers’ income and protect the poorest of the poor during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Solidarity Message from BWI President Per-Olof Sjöö

15 April 2020 14:47

Solidarity Message from BWI President Per-Olof Sjöö


Peru: Informal workers suffer during lockdown

14 April 2020 13:55

Amid a total lockdown, that started on 16 March and has been extended until 26 April, most of Peru’s 12 million informal workers are vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic due to the lack of government assistance.


Netherlands: FNV signs agreement with employers on COVID-19 risk management

14 April 2020 13:31

The FNV-Bouwen en Wonen, BWI’s affiliate in Netherlands, recently closed an agreement with construction employers on how to manage COVID-19 risks in workplaces. This was after the union conducted a survey covering 1,300 construction workers asking their opinion on working amid a pandemic.


Solidarity Message from Vice-President for LACR and BWI General Secretary

14 April 2020 13:29

Message from Saul Mendez Vice-President for Latin America & Caribbean


Belgium: Construction unions decry employers’ disregard of COVID-19 measures

14 April 2020 13:21

While workers’ health is the primary concern of our Belgian affiliates ACV BiE and CG FGTB amidst the pandemic, this does not seem to be the case for the construction employers’ organisations, that refuse to take into account the preventive measures on the spread of COVID-19 demanded by trade unions. For the unions, this attitude from employers is totally irresponsible and unacceptable.


German unions fight to protect trainees

13 April 2020 12:47

BWI affiliates, IG Metall and IG Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt (IG BAU) have called for urgent government support to protect positions and income of trainees that have been excluded from support measures launched by the government for companies and workers during the pandemic.


Lebanon: GSTU pushes for COVID-19 response fund

13 April 2020 05:48

The General Services Employees Trade Unions of Lebanon (GSTU) called on the Lebanese government to establish a response fund to aid workers who have lost their jobs and other means of livelihood to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Hong Kong: Workers brace for wage losses if construction shuts down

12 April 2020 08:57

With the number of positive cases pushing towards one thousand in Hong Kong, workers are becoming increasingly concerned that the construction industry may have to go into a temporary closure, leaving daily waged workers without income.


Ecuador: Pandemic overwhelms govt’s national response

10 April 2020 02:55

BWI affiliates are concerned about the growing humanitarian crisis in Ecuador as the COVID-19 outbreak has debilitated the health system, and overwhelmed the government’s inadequate response to the pandemic.


South Africa: International solidarity secures wages at Staedtler amid lockdown

10 April 2020 02:42

CEPPWAWU scored a big victory this week after it applied pressure using the IFA with Staedtler to secure workers their full wages during the COVID-19 shutdown being imposed in South Africa.


Pakistan: PFBWW demands protection for workers during pandemic

08 April 2020 05:41

The Pakistan Federation of Building and Wood Workers (PFBWW) has expressed its concerns over the health and safety of workers who continue to work on construction projects linked to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).


Video Message from Johan Lindholm BWI Vice-President for Europe

07 April 2020 10:38

Message from Johan Lindholm BWI Vice-President for Europe


France: Unions concerned about health and safety at relaunched construction sites

07 April 2020 09:25

BWI affiliates report that it took more than two weeks of negotiations between the government and the construction sector to agree on the terms for the resumption of construction sites that were shut down as part of national efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19.


South Asia: Governments must protect livelihoods from COVID-19

07 April 2020 08:24

WI-affiliated trade unions, along with national trade union centres, have petitioned their governments to seek financial relief on behalf of workers affected by COVID-19 lockdowns in several South Asian countries. They said that the crisis has dire effects on the livelihood of millions, including daily wage earners and migrant workers.


South Africa: Workers under lockdown concerned about jobs

07 April 2020 07:32

BWI affiliates expressed their deep concerns over reports of thousands of job losses in South Africa’s construction industry, which has been on 3-week shut down due to COVID-19.


Turkey: YOL-IS opens facilities to health workers

06 April 2020 13:43

The Turkish Union of Road, Construction and Building Workers (YOL-IS), responding to reports that many health workers cannot go home and rest for fear that they might infect their families with COVID-19, has made its hotels, guesthouses and other social facilities in several cities available to the frontliners.


North Macedonia: No wage cuts for workers during pandemic

06 April 2020 10:16

An agreement was reached last week between the Macedonian government and trade unions, including BWI affiliates, ensuring that workers’ wages in the public and private sectors would not be reduced and/or terminated during the COVID-19 crisis.


Nepal: NTUC makes demands for vulnerable workers during lockdown

06 April 2020 05:33

The Nepal Trade Union Centre (NTUC) and the Construction and Allied Workers' Union of Nepal (CAWUN) have demanded that the government address their serious concerns over the vulnerability of the workforce during the COVID-19 lockdown, including informal, migrant workers and health workers.


Philippines: Workers push back against tyranny amid shocking rhetoric

06 April 2020 05:21

The unions in the Philippines have won better social protections for workers amidst increasingly repressive conditions and threats during the lockdown, while the number of COVID-19 cases continues to grow.


BWI Deputy-President Dietmar Schäfers conveys a message of hope to all workers

05 April 2020 18:07

BWI Deputy-President Dietmar Schäfers conveys a message of hope to all workers


Brazil: SINTRAPAV-PR protects workers during shutdown

05 April 2020 07:27

The Trade Union of Workers in Construction of Roads and Public & Private Works of the State of Parana (SINTRAPAV-PR) has successfully concluded an agreement with its employer for the safe return to their families of 6,000 complete with transportation tickets, wages and full benefits. The said agreement was reached as part of a deal to protect workers from COVID-19.


BWI Deputy-President extends her solidarity to the whole BWI family

04 April 2020 08:54

Gail Cartmail extends her solidarity and explains the fight for construction workers in Britain.


Spain: Union victory on COVID-19 protection for workers

03 April 2020 11:02

The government has heeded the demands of the unions in Spain to prohibit the dismissal of workers and the termination of temporary employment contracts during the COVID-19 crisis.


Bulgaria: Union calls on govt to take drastic measures to protect workers from COVID-19

03 April 2020 10:47

The BWI affiliates in Bulgaria report that the government is not doing enough to secure workers’ jobs and income from COVID-19, which makes them vulnerable to the health and economic impacts of the pandemic.


South Korea: Unions to ensure workers’ wages as COVID-19 is put “under control”

03 April 2020 10:38

The Korean Federation of Construction Industry Trade Unions (KFCITU) is taking action to ensure that workers, especially those on daily employment contracts, on several construction sites that shut down due to COVID-19, are paid in full.


BWI, other trade unions raise Qatar’s migrant workers’ vulnerabilities to COVID-19

03 April 2020 03:44

On 31 March, BWI, together with the other trade unions and social movements, sent a letter to the Qatari government expressing their growing concern regarding the vulnerability of migrant workers to COVID-19 in the country.


Dominican Republic: Workers’ brigades distribute thousands of COVID-19 food packs

02 April 2020 07:39

The National Federation of Construction, Wood and Building Materials Workers (FENTICOMMC), BWI’s affiliate in the Dominican Republic, has organized “workers’ brigades which distributed 2,300 bags of food and other supplies to construction workers.


Colombia: Irregular workers remain unprotected from COVID-19

02 April 2020 06:29

The Colombian Association of Construction, Building Materials and Woodworkers (INTERGREMIAL) reported that Columbian workers are not equally protected and compensated by the government in the fight against COVID-19.


Malaysia: Timber unions call for mandatory COVID-19 testing

02 April 2020 05:53

While Malaysia has been in lockdown since 18 March to stop the spread of COVID-19, more than 200 timber mills across the country have been given work stoppage exemptions, leaving thousands of migrant workers concerned about their health and safety.


BWI General Secretary extends solidarity to all workers globally

01 April 2020 16:36

In this period of crisis, BWI General Secretary Ambet Yuson extends his solidarity globally to all workers.


Venezuela: Trade unions comply with govt’s COVID-19 measures

01 April 2020 07:16

BWI affiliates in Venezuela reported that they are complying with the government’s COVID-19 measures to prevent the spread of the virus in their country.


Nigeria: Union protests company’s non-compliance with COVID-19 work stoppage

01 April 2020 06:47

The National Union of Civil Engineering Construction, Furniture and Wood Works (NUCECFWW) in Nigeria expressed its shock and disappointment this week over a company’s refusal to comply with the government’s directive to shut down all workplaces as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Bahrain : GFBU assists construction workers amid COVID-19

01 April 2020 06:13

The General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions (GFBU) reported this week that it is continuing its work of reaching out to workers, particularly to construction workers, on ways how they can ensure their good health and safety, and secure their incomes and other means of livelihood.


Italy: Unions inform migrant construction workers of gov't benefits vs. COVID-19

01 April 2020 05:45

BWI’s Italian affiliate, FILLEA-CGIL published a letter this week informing migrant construction workers of the benefits they are entitled to during the COVID-19 outbreak.


Indonesia: Workers demand COVID-19 lockdown coupled with wage subsidies

31 March 2020 11:43

While Indonesia has a Health Quarantine Law, the government has yet to implement a lockdown and temporary close workplaces to protect its citizen from Covid-19. This was reportedly widely criticised by the public, particularly by trade unions which viewed it as prioritising big business interests over and above public health.


India: World’s largest lockdown triggers massive exodus of migrant workers

31 March 2020 09:16

India's lockdown, the world's largest COVID-19 quarantine, triggered the massive exodus of migrant workers who are trying to return to their native villages.


Russia: Moscow goes into lockdown, unions brace for COVID-19 impact

31 March 2020 08:35

On 30 March, the Russian capital, Moscow, was put under a city-wide lockdown in an attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to the country. While Russia has been relatively spared by the pandemic, the number of people testing positive has risen quickly.


Egypt : GTUBWW donates $ 19,000 to protect irregular workers from COVID-19

31 March 2020 07:55

The General Union of Building and Wood Workers in Egypt (GTUBWW) donated a total of US $19,000 to the Egyptian government as contribution in the fight to contain the spread of COVID-19 in the country.


BWI launches COVID-19 websection

30 March 2020 18:42

The BWI launched a COVID-19 websection to provide information received from its affiliates around the world. The section exists in English, French, Spanish and German.


Chile: Video message from FETRACOMA on COVID-19

30 March 2020 09:17

As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Union of Construction and Industrial Assemblage Workers (SINTEC-Chile) calls on the Chilean government to implement a workers' quarantine to safeguard the health and lives of workers, secure employment and income and suspend payment of basic services, loans and credits from financial institutions.


Qatar: Workers address lockdown woes

30 March 2020 07:33

With Qatar under a COVID-19 lockdown, 16,000 workers housed in an accommodation facility found it difficult to get their salaries as access to automated teller machines (ATM) has been strictly regulated to prevent the spread of the virus.


India: SEWA pushes for 4-point program to assist Indian women workers

30 March 2020 06:48

With the enforcement of the world’s largest COVID-19 lockdown, trade unions in India raised serious concerns that Indian women workers, who make up around 90 percent of India’s vast informal sector (470 million people), will likely be disproportionately affected by the economic impact of the pandemic.


Tunisia : Trade unions set up “COVID-19 fighting fund”

30 March 2020 06:17

The Tunisia General Labor Union (UGTT) and FGBB have decided to set up a $ 34 million “COVID-19 fighting fund” to help workers affected by the international health crisis.


ILO Compilation on COVID-related labour standards

30 March 2020 05:40

BWI is sharing with you the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) compilation of International Labour Standards related to COVID-19.


UK: Unite wants COVID-19 income protection extended to self-employed construction workers

30 March 2020 05:09

Unite urges the government to extend its wage protection scheme to protect all construction workers trapped in various forms of bogus self-employment and exploitative employment models.


Europe: EFBWW launches COVID-19 webpage

27 March 2020 11:37

The European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) launched a COVID-19 webpage to provide its member unions the latest update and information on the global health crisis.


Cuba: Discipline, responsibility and solidarity in time of COVID-19

27 March 2020 10:47

As countries around the world try to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, one nation is standing out as an inspiring symbol of strength, discipline and solidarity.


Brazil: Amid COVID-19, QUIMICOS ABC ensures workers’ health, safety and income

27 March 2020 09:34

With COVID-19 reaching Brazil, BWI affiliate QUIMICOS ABC inked agreements with employers to ensure the health, safety and income of its members.


Argentina: UOLRA secures incomes of migrant brick workers amid COVID-19

27 March 2020 08:56

UOLRA will be giving migrant brick workers in small family-owned brick factories 5,000 Argentine Pesos (about USD 78) for 4 months to offset their loss of income due to the temporary closure of small brick factories.


Guatemala: Unions raise "serious concerns" over govt’s handling of COVID-19

27 March 2020 08:20

BWI's Gutamelan affiliates raise their serious concerns regarding the measures implemented by President Alejandro Giammattei to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Japan: Tokyo 2020 Olympics postponed, construction workers demand support

27 March 2020 08:17

With the postponement of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, Japanese trade unions demand appropriate measures to help construction workers.


Austria: Trade unions launch "Corona hotline" to assist workers

26 March 2020 14:20

The Austrian trade unions launched a “Corona hotline” last 16 March to support and assist workers during the global health crisis.


Steps construction workers and employers should take on COVID-19

26 March 2020 13:36

Education plays a crucial part in addressing the pandemic. Workers and employers alike must be equipped with the proper and latest information on how to protect themselves from COVID-19.


Bosnia and Herzegovina: Forestry workers protect rights amid COVID crisis

26 March 2020 09:08

The Independent Trade Union of Forestry, Wood and Paper Processing of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Forestry workers trade union) has taken a two-pronged approach to protect its members from COVID-19.


BWI to multinationals: Take global responsibility and cooperate on COVID-19

26 March 2020 08:19

BWI is reaching out to big companies to urge them to use best practices on and economic protection for workers in the fight against COVID-19.


India: Govt urged to protect workers’ livelihood from COVID-19

26 March 2020 08:14

INBCWF) submitted a petition to the Indian government calling for the protection of workers' health, safety and livelihood as authorities imposed the world's largest COVID-19 lockdown.


US: Natl COVID-19 agreement signed covering electrical workers

26 March 2020 08:13

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and its construction employer have signed an agreement covering the health and safety of workers during COVID-19.


Australia COVID-19: Unions and industry work together to keep workers safe and construction going

25 March 2020 13:30

The CFMEU Construction and General Division, the Master Builders of Australia and other major construction industry players are all in agreement that building work must continue despite the COVID-19 crisis.


Turkey: Unions brace for COVID-19

25 March 2020 10:04

BWI affiliates in Turkey reported that the country has started to take preventive measures against the COVID-19 outbreak this month. They said that the government has started imposing restrictions on incoming travelers and closed schools, bars and night clubs and suspended all national and international events. However, the country is not yet on a total lockdown as public transport is still operating and public institutions, shopping malls and banks are still open. Workplaces are also continuing production.


Germany: Unions want no labour rights abuse due to COVID-2019

25 March 2020 09:52

Last 17th of March, the confederation DGB in Germany met with the employers’ association and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs to discuss ways to address the COVID-19 crisis. Given the serious threat to public health, workers’ livelihood and the economy, the government, unions and employers all agreed to share the responsibility in fighting the pandemic. The unions and employers asked the federal government to prepare a comprehensive plan to avert a possible economic recession.


Israel: Histadrut signs CBA protecting public sector workers from COVID-19

25 March 2020 09:45

On 18 March, Histadrut and the Israeli government signed a collective agreement that will regulate the employment of public sector workers during the COVID-19 crisis. The agreement is signed for the period of 19 March 2020 to 16 April 2020.


COVID19 Brazil: Workers defeat measure suspending work contracts without pay

24 March 2020 12:36

BWI affiliates in Brazil on Monday claimed victory after they successfully pressured its government to back down on a measure that aims to suspend the employment contract of all workers for up to 4 months without salaries as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


India: Unorganised workers and COVID-19

24 March 2020 11:50

Unorganised workers (known as workers in the informal economy elsewhere) are subject to the Coronavirus just like other workers. With most of the state governments in India calling on people to strictly observe social distancing and remain in their homes, this is causing a major impact on unorganised workers, many of whom work in construction.


Germany: IGBAU calls on federal govt to increase COVID-19 short-time work allowances to 90%

24 March 2020 09:10

The Industrial Union Construction, Agricultural and Environmental (IG BAU)-Germany today called for an increase on COVID-19 short-time work allowances for workers. In a petition, the union called on its members to take action and put pressure on the federal government to provide 90 percent short-time allowances to workers as one of many measures to protect the workers's health, safety and livelihood from the global health crisis.


Panama: SUNTRACS negotiates closing of construction projects, ensures wage payments

24 March 2020 08:42

Saúl Méndez, Secretary General of SUNTRACS and President of the BWI Regional Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean (LACR), together with other SUNTRACS trade union leaders, met with the President of the Republic of Panama, Laurentino Cortizo, and the Minister of Labor.


Mauritius: CMWEU urges govt and companies to protect workers’ jobs and health from COVID-19

23 March 2020 09:01

The CMWEU, together with its sister unions from the CTSP National Centre, held a dialogue with the Ministry of Labour on how the government can ensure that specific measures and protocols are put in place and observed by companies to ensure the workers’ health and safety against the COVID-19 pandemic.


IUPAT to political leaders: Protect workers from COVID-19 pandemic

20 March 2020 06:57

Amid the conflicting policy proposals on how to respond to COVID-19, the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT), representing workers in the United States and Canada, has called for congressional action to support workers impacted by the pandemic.


COVID-19 in Francophone Africa

20 March 2020 06:41

While less impacted than the rest of the world, the African continent still faces the risk of the spread of Covid-19. BWI affiliates in the region are already feeling the effect of the pandemic.


GS Facket - Sweden negotiates COVID 19 agreement

20 March 2020 06:01

At the beginning of the week of 16 March, the Swedish government presented a crisis package on how to deal with the impact of the Coronavirus. A temporary system of short-term work was immediately introduced which will be valid until the end of the year.


France: Construction work stops due to COVID-19

19 March 2020 12:56

France's construction sector has called for a temporary work stoppage of all construction sites and the confinement of its workers as a response to COVID-19.


Belgium: Workers deal with COVID19 lockdown

19 March 2020 11:14

The BWI Belgian affiliates ACV-BIE and CG FGTB reported today that Belgium was officially placed under a lockdown until 5 April as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This makes Belgium the latest country to impose such a measure.


ILO issues report on COVID 19 and world of work: Impacts and responses

19 March 2020 05:41

The ILO Report: Impacts and Responses, described and linked in this ILO news release, speaks of the current challenges and what needs to be done for workers and to sustain economic activity. Equally important, it urges us to look to the future.


Coronavirus: Fight Pandemic – Protect migrants

18 March 2020 15:03

A blog piece by BWI General Secretary Ambet Yuson


Qatar gov’t and migrant workers unite to fight COVID-19

18 March 2020 13:42

Qatar’s Ministry of Labour (MADLSA) convened an emergency meeting with leaders of different migrant worker communities last 12th of March to relay information on the measures being taken by the Qatari government to protect its citizens and workers against the COVID-19 pandemic.


Global solidarity against the COVID-19 pandemic

18 March 2020 10:43

The pandemic requires an unprecedented show of solidarity. Governments, trade unions and employers must close ranks more than ever in turning the tide against this international health crisis.


COVID 19: Workers need workplace safety measures

12 March 2020 16:46

The Council of Global Unions (CGU), representing 200 million workers, called on governments and employers in all countries to act swiftly to save lives and to limit the spread of COVID 19. It said that the crisis is a fundamental issue of health, occupational health and safety, and rights and social protections.
