[Concluded] Workers’ Voices: MNCs and Confronting Corporate Power
One of the main targets of BWI is to organize workers on Multinational Companies (MNC) and their value chains. The pandemic shows that guarantee social and labour rights only can be done if workers are organized and fighting for them.
In this sense, we will tackle the MNCs behavior before and amidst the pandemic to develop trade union strategies to confront corporate power in all BWI sectors to force their accountability regarding social, labour and human rights.
Join us in discussing the multinationals’ (MNCs) responsibilities in upholding human and labour rights and the global mechanisms to promote social responsibility. We will also present trade union actions and other plans to guarantee workers’ rights.
The webinar's highlights will be:
• MNCs’ behaviour amidst COVID-19
• Stories and experiences from workers and trade unions organising MNCs.
• Strategic responses to improve MNC accountability.
• Solidarity on efforts to put a law in place in Switzerland that makes MNCs accountable for corporate behaviour.
Interpretation will be available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Hindi and Bahasa. The BWI will look into possibilities to provide additional languages if needed.
The webinar will take place virtually on Zoom. Kindly note that you will need to download the Zoom Client for Meetings and have the version 5.4.3 (58891.1115) for Windows/Android and iOS (as of 16 November 2020) or above to avoid any problems in connection and interpretation.
Register here.