Venezuela: National sectorial Collective Bargaining Agreement extension and salaries updates

12 March 2019 07:07

Representatives from Venezuelan Chamber of Construction (CVC), the Bolivarian Chamber of Construction (CBC), and unions FUNCABS, FENATCS, FETRACONSTRUCCION and FETRAMAQUIPES

On 6 March Venezuelan construction trade unions, including three BWI affiliates (FENATCS, FETRAMAQUIPES and FETRACONSTRUCCION) reached an agreement with the two chambers that groups construction employers (CVC and CBC). The unions succeeded in extending the 2017-2019 National sectorial Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and an increase in wages and financial support to deceased workers’ families. Other conditions of the CBA could not be further improved better due to high inflation in the country and lack of stable conditions to negotiate. Currently, the industry has a 95 per cent inactivity in the development of projects and infrastructure.

Olide Herrera, President of Trade Union of Heave Machinery Operators stated, "Despite the current difficult conditions in our country, we are proud to have extended the contract and increased the wages for our workers so that they can take care of their families".

"Despite differences between the two employers’ associations and the trade unions concerning the political and economic crisis in the country, dialogue prevails," added William Lizardo, President of FETRACONSTRUCCION.