
22 June 2020 03:22

Swedish young workers want to tip balance in favour of labour


Youth of 6F, a collaboration between Swedish trade unions, Byggnads (building workers), Elektrikerna (electricians), Målarna (painters), Fastighetsanställdas Förbund (property employees' association) and Seko, on 17 June started a campaign against Sweden’s deteriorating working conditions and the government’s neoliberal policies.

15 June 2020 12:53

BWI joined the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and Ukrainian trade union federations in voicing their strong protest against the Ukrainian government’s attempt to pass a measure to amend its trade union law which will strip workers of their rights and weaken trade unions as a response to the COVID-19 crisis. Read more...

12 June 2020 12:51

Ignoring police threats and bad weather, the Nagkaisa Labour Coalition, the biggest labour alliance in the Philippines joined thousands of protesters in marking the country’s Independence Day with protests all over the country against the recently passed anti-terror law. Read more...

12 June 2020 08:47

On the World Day Against Child Labour, BWI and its trade union affiliates warn of a “child labour pandemic” due to the negative economic impact of the COVID-19 to many working class families who are suffering from job losses, shrinking incomes and depleting safety nets. Read more...

10 June 2020 13:31

“A double pandemic.” This was how Brazilian trade unions described their current situation as they confront the unprecedented challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and President Jair Bolsonaro’s troubled governance. Read more...

10 June 2020 07:55

The Trade Union of Workers in the Civil Construction of Porto Alegre (STICC-POA), a BWI affiliated organization in Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul State, has initiated a bipartite social dialogue process with State Governor Eduardo Leite to identify and define future joint actions and points of cooperation on the reopening of the construction sector amidst COVID-19.

10 June 2020 07:36

The National Federation of Wood Industry Workers of Peru (FENATIMAP), an organization affiliated with the ICM, has reported the opening of a national training program for forest workers and technicians on the use of biosafety elements and attention protocols, as part of Peru’s preventive measures against COVID-19 in the wood sector. Read more...

09 June 2020 11:39

Byggnads, the Swedish union of construction workers is at odds with the employer federation Byggföretagen on the extension of its collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

08 June 2020 13:32

These are difficult times as countries are taking unprecedented measures to slow the transmission of COVID-19. Many countries are in lock down. In other countries, there are fewer restrictions. There is widespread awareness that there is a global public health crisis and basic information on what is needed to reduce risk. We have been told we must change our behaviour to limit interaction and contact, even with family and friends, which can be distressing and disruptive. Read more...